Page 15 of The Massacre Ball

I thought it was a good sign when Martin let the kid keep the dog. So far I haven’t heard any signs of abuse. If he considers Aidan a threat to his criminal empire, he doesn’t let it show. But Martin is getting on up in years, so maybe he plans to retire and hand the family business over to the kid. I guess we’ll find out.

I jump when the burner phone on my dash rings.

“Talk,” I say, not even glancing at the number. Only a couple of people have the number to this burner, and I’m not one for pleasantries and small talk.

“Is it done, yet?”

I sigh and roll my eyes. I swear working for this motherfucker isn’t worth two million dollars. “Not yet, Dante. He’s always under heavy guard. Halloween night at the Masquerade Ball is the best time. I’ve told you this.”

“If you don’t want the job, I can give it to someone else,” he says.

“For your sake, I’m going to pretend you didn’t say that. It’ll be done Halloween night.”

I disconnect the call before he can say anything else. Less than a minute later, the phone rings again.

“What!” I bark.

“Umm, Brian, I-I’m sorry. Is this a bad time?”

Windsor. The target, helping to plan his own murder. I plaster on a fake smile because I once heard you can hear a smile over the phone. I’m not sure if I believe that, but I’ll use whatever techniques are available to appear more human when necessary.

“Not at all,” I say. “What do you need?”

“Well,” he hesitates a moment, and I grit my teeth, forcing myself not to snap at him. The last thing I want to do is spook the horse. “I was just thinking… I have a conservatory about a few acres back from the house. You could use that space.”

“Conservatory like a greenhouse?” I ask.

I think he just nodded because I don’t hear a reply, then finally, as though realizing he’d nodding at me through the phone, he says, “Y-yes, Kind of. It’s not entirely glassed in, only one half of it. I thought the other side could be cleared out for your use.”

“And how exactly will I lure Dante to the greenhouse?”

“I haven’t thought of that part, yet. It’s just a quiet space where no one will see or hear anything.”

“Is that all?” I ask.

“For now. If there’s any other way I can be of assistance, please don’t hesitate to reach out.”

“Will do,” I say and disconnect the call.

So far he’s called me on three different occasions making suggestions on weapons, body disposal, where I can hide things in his house, and how security will be diverted… I almost feel bad for the guy.




Halloween Night, The Masquerade Ball at the Windsor Estate.

“Don’t be nervous,”Brian whispers in my ear. But I can’t help it. In a strange way this still feels like the first real job I’ve gone on with Brian, and I can’t get past the idea that this seems all too easy, all too perfect.

“I’m fine,” I say, forcing a smile. We’ve been at the party for an hour and I can’t shake the feeling that this will all go terribly wrong somehow.

Once the target started planning his own murder with us, the murder wall just became a checklist of things that had been prepared or conveniently set up for us. Cameras off. Check. Weapons planted at various points around the house. Check. Kill room ready. Check—it’s the conservatory a little way off from the main house. The plan for getting our target to that spot… well, since the real target is still Windsor, that part is different, but still. Our path has been made far too smooth for us, and I’m waiting for some kind of double cross—some big Halloween jump scare.

Tonight Brian is wearing a tuxedo, like all the other men, along with a black masquerade mask. The women all wear a mix of black and white evening gowns with masks to match. I’m wearing the same dress I wore for the cocktail party because Brian insisted. He says that side slit is too convenient, and he didn’t get the opportunity to take advantage of it at the last party.

I’m sure he won’t get the opportunity tonight, either, because I can’t shake my nerves, and the last thing I’m thinking about right now is orgasms.