Page 8 of The Massacre Ball

“Fiona, you’re still pretty new.” Her words come out crisp and sharp, the way she was with Matsumoto at Easter. “I’m going to give you a chance to apologize before I have to make an example of you in front of everyone.”

Fiona rolls her eyes. “Whatever, Bitch.”

I start in the direction of Fiona when Mina hauls back and smacks the girl hard across the face, leaving a bright red handprint, and then I realize what’s happening. She’s protecting this girl from me. She’s handling it, so I won’t.

I hang back and observe, curious. Everyone in the cafeteria has been stunned into silence by this display.

“I can do whatever I want to you right now and nobody here will stop me,” Mina says, staring her down.

I glance over to find Gabe watching me for my response to this show.

Fiona remains defiant for only a few more seconds before she shrinks back and mumbles, “I-I’m Sorry.”

“I’m sorry, what?” Mina, hisses.

“I-I’m sorry, Ma’am.”

“Good. That was your only warning. You’re on my radar, dear. And that’s a bad place to be.”

Fiona seems to melt back into her chair as Mina takes a good long look around the room. Her eyes finally meet mine, and I raise a brow at her. I see the smallest shrug of her shoulder before she turns to join Annette and another new girl at their table.

Was Mina protecting that girl, or was she protecting my reputation? I don’t even know anymore. Gabe moves closer to me and speaks low so that only I can hear him.

“Do you remember Dmitri Barinov?”

“That slimy bastard Anton wanted us to partner up with?” I ask. I thought we were doing just fine on our own and didn’t need to be bringing any new blood into things. Barinov is too similar to Stryker for my tastes.

“One and the same,” Gabe says. “And, do you remember Julie?”

I raise a brow. “I’m not sure what you think is wrong with my memory, but yeah… that girl you moped over for months? Pretty sure I remember.”

He points at the table Mina is sitting at. She seems to be involved in a discussion with the famous Julie. “I found her in Dmitri’s establishment. I want that motherfucker and all his men dead. Do you think you and Mina can handle it?”

“Not for free. I only do jobs specifically for the house, unless it’s a contract.”

“Since when did you care about the money?”

I shrug. “I’m not your pit bull, Gabe.”

“How much?”

“I’ll do it for a couple million.”

“What? That’s insane!”

“That’s me and my girl’s going rate, now. Take it or leave it.”

“Fine. I’ll take it.”

“Mina!” I shout across the cafeteria.

She turns to look at me, all demure. “Yes, Master?”

I have to fight the eye roll. Do people in this house really buy this anymore? I glance around the room. Clearly they do. I guess the reality of our actual relationship would be too surreal for them to consider. I motion for her to join us and then we go with Gabe to iron out the details.

