Page 6 of The Massacre Ball

“This corset. Do you think it’s too tight?”

“Are you planning to seduce him before you kill him?” I ask, waggling my eyebrows as I zero in on her cleavage.

“Hilarious. I mean… I don’t know if I can move properly in this one.”

“You seem to be moving fine to me. You look great, Killer. Now let’s go.”

She blushes, but follows me out to the car.

“Why are you so jumpy?” I ask.

“Do we have everything?”

“I always keep this car ready to go for standard house jobs.”

She nods, and puts her seatbelt on. “But do I have a bag? Withmyguns?”

“Yes, you’ve got a bag.” I pull the car through the circular driveway and out onto the main road. “What’s this about, Mina?”

“I don’t know. It’s just… at Easter I didn’t think about it, I just came to get you. And then for the Fourth of July there was a lot of planning, and it was going to be a boring button push anyway…”

“Famous last words.”

She laughs a little, but continues, “I don’t know, we didn’t plan for this. What if something happens?”

I squeeze her knee. “Nothing’s going to happen. These guys aren’t hardened criminals. They’re idiots with a kink, and some of them break our rules. So we enforce.”

“What’s going to happen to the girl?”

I’m quiet, keeping my eyes on the road.

“Brian?” she prods.

I sigh. “I don’t know, Mina. It depends.”

“Like fuck it does. She’s coming back with us. Promise me.”

“We can’t run a halfway house for damaged toys.”

“Promise me.”

My jaw clenches, but I say, “Fine.”

We have clients all over the world, but this is a local so it takes less than an hour to get there.

Despite this guy’s wealth, his security is well below the standard it should be. Contrary to expectation, not everybody with money fully understands how much they have to lose, or how easy it is to take it.

So we just roll in past a gate that isn’t even locked with a camera that isn’t even on. Fucking amateurs. I can tell Mina’s still nervous as we pull up.

“I still can’t believe you just…show up.”

“It depends on the people involved. There are exceptions where I have to plan, like when I came for you in Japan. But this guy? He’s nothing.”

She nods finally and gets out of the car. We strap ourselves down with the weapons in our bags then go up and ring the bell.

A refined older gentleman opens the door. A butler.

Mina shakes her head at me. Did she know I was planning to snap his neck, or just that I intended to kill him? I give her a reassuring look then pull my gun. The man’s eyes widen.