I saw Jack’s face contort with pain and fear. Not for him, but for me. “If I do that, you’ll just shoot her.”

“I won’t. I give you my word, Jack.”

I wanted to say, Yeah, we all know what THAT’S worth, but I was afraid Lou would follow through on his earlier threat and shoot me.

Jack shook his head. “Let her go, and we’ll settle this between you and me, the way we should have from the beginning.”

“How ‘bout I kill her first, then we settle it?”

Jack looked in my eyes.

No, I pleaded silently. Don’t – DON’T –

“Take your gun away from her head first, and I’ll drop my gun,” Jack said.

Wait – what?

Was Jack trying to give me an opening? Some sort of an opportunity?

I knew Lou considered Jack – big, bad, manly biker Jack – as a far worse threat than me. And it was justified, up to a point. After all, Jack was armed, and I was a hostage with a gun to my head.

But did Lou think I was harmless now?

Apparently he did.

The cold pressure of the gun barrel lifted from my skin.

A second later Jack diverted his aim slightly, and very slowly started to hold his gun out towards the side. Jack was apparently matching Lou’s movement – inch by inch, second by second, his gun got farther and farther away from being pointed at me and Lou.

I strained to look at Lou’s gun from the corner of my eye. His pistol was at an angle now, though still only a few inches away from my head. If he fired the gun, the powder blast would surely blind me – but the bullet wouldn’t hit me.

That was enough leeway for me.


Everything I did next happened in less than two seconds.

I wrenched my head toward Lou’s body. Now his arm was pressed against my ear instead of being hooked under my chin.

At the same time, I bent my knees and dropped.

Ever try to hold an angry toddler and they go completely slack? It’s like holding twenty pounds of Jell-O in a plastic bag, right?

It probably felt something like that to Lou. He couldn’t hold on to me, and my head slipped out of his chokehold.

He swung his gun back to try to shoot me –

Too late.

As I dropped, I elbowed him right in the balls.

Krav Maga, bitch.

I heard Lou exhale in pain. “Oof!”

Then there was the BOOM! of a gunshot.

I flinched, expecting everything to end in a flash of light and pain –