They all looked at Tex again, who shrugged.

“Didn’t answer,” Fishbone said.

“Probably balls-deep in a hooker, if he’s even conscious,” Lee said.

Indiana continued, “Jack, let me just say, I AM sorry about that shit. I wanted to step up and help, Jack, I swear to God I did, but – ”

I was getting a little pissed now. I’d thought I was over it, but I guess I wasn’t.

“I said that’s not why I’m here.”

My tone was a little shorter than I meant it to be.

“Then what are you here for, Jack?” Fishbone asked.

“I need you guys to leave town for a while. Tell Bucky, too, when you get a hold of him – and Sanford and Craig, too. Tell them they should get the hell out of Dodge – immediately – and stay gone for a week or two. Anywhere, doesn’t matter, as long as it’s at least three or four hours away. Out of state would be better.”

They all stared at me like I had a horn growing out of my forehead.

“What?” I demanded.

“Look, whatever the fuck’s goin’ on between you and Lou, is between you and Lou,” Tex said. “It don’t concern us.”

“This isn’t about me and Lou – ”

“The fuck it ain’t,” Lee muttered.

I glared at him. “You got something to say?”

Lee kept quiet. So did Fishbone and Indiana.

“I got somethin’ to say,” Tex snapped. “Eyeball. Chuck. Benjy. Wild Bill. Cowboy. Jergens. Irish. And Vince. That’s what I got to say.”

My stomach tightened. Other than Benjy, those were all the Midnight Riders who had tried to kill me, Kade, and Fiona.

And now they were all dead.

“What’s Lou been telling you?” I asked.

Tex’s fixed me with a cold stare. “Enough. Where’s Kade? You kill him, too?”

“No, he’s recovering from getting shot by one of Lou’s assholes,” I snarled. “In fact, Eyeball and Cowboy tried to kill me at my house two nights ago, right before they torched it to the ground. Vince, too, I guess, from what you said. And Chuck, Wild Bill, Jergens, and Irish tried to kill me and Kade yesterday at Lou’s meth lab, right before Lou put five bullets in Benjy’s back.”

Everybody’s voices started overlapping.

“Meth lab?!”

“Bullshit – ”

“No fuckin’ way – ”

“Whoa, whoa, whoa,” Tex said, waving his hand to shut the others up. “You’re tellin’ me Lou’s got a meth lab?”


“And you’re tellin’ me Lou killed Benjy – not you.”

“That’s right.”