“Did you not hear what I just said?!”

“I heard, I heard,” Sid said.


“And it sounds like he’s not gettin’ any tonight.”

My mouth dropped open in shock – until the anger took over. “You fucking asshole – ”

Sid turned to Jack. “Did you kill her cousin?”

“No,” Jack said vehemently.

“Did you hire somebody else to kill her?”


“Do you know who killed her?”


“So why’d you pay off the cops?”

I broke into the conversation. “Because she was working for the DEA, and Jack was afraid he was going to get framed for the murder, so he paid the cops to make it go away.”

“That true, Easy Rider?”

“It’s a little less black and white than that – ”

“FUCK YOU,” I hissed loudly under my breath.

Jack sighed. “…but… yeah. That’s basically it.”

Sid shrugged and looked at me. “Okay, that’s pretty goddamn bad, but what’d you expect? You knew he was a scumbag when you jumped into bed with him.”

It took me a second to process the outrageousness of that statement.


“He’s a fuckin’ biker gang asshole. What’d you think, he was a boy scout before you met him?” Sid flung out an arm at Jack. “Look at him! All those tattoos! Jesus, he’s got ‘scumbag’ written all over him.”

“You have tattoos, Sid,” I seethed.

“I got one tattoo, kid, and it’s the right kind of tattoo,” Sid said, flexing the arm with his SEMPER FI ink.

Jack stared at Sid and shook his head. “You’re an asshole, you know that?”

“The asshole you’re payin’ Friend Prices for, bud, and don’t you forget it. Now – since I’m sensing you two don’t wanna dick around anymore – literally – ”

“SID – ”

“ – you wanna see if this new info’ll get the DEA off your jocks, or what?”

I looked at Jack.

He shrugged. “It’s worth a shot.”