I’d made a mistake in sleeping with her last night, but it wasn’t because she’d fucked me over and I couldn’t keep my emotions out of it.

No… the mistake was, I’d fucked her over, and I’d never told her, and I slept with her anyway.

But the final conclusion I’d come to had been the right one: I had to make this right. I had to pay for what I’d done. We had to get through this. Fight through it to the other side.

I swore to myself that I’d do whatever it took to make sure Fiona found out who killed her cousin, so she could bring the real killer to justice.

After that happened, I’d take whatever consequences came my way.

And this time, I’d take them like a man.



The DEA had dumped us out in the middle of nowhere, so I had to use my phone’s GPS to get us back.

Halfway home, Sid called.

“Uhhhh, everything alright?” he asked.

“We’re good,” I said, even though I knew I sounded stuffed-up from crying.

“You, uh, got any new friends there with you?”

“Ha. NO.”

I told him about the meeting with Fordham, though I left out the part about Jack paying off the cops. I just… I couldn’t get into it right now.

“Hey, you pulled it off,” Sid said admiringly. “Nice job, kid.”


“If I’d’a had to put money on it, I wouldn’t’a bet on you.”

“Thanks,” I repeated, my tone decidedly less cheerful this time around.

“Anyway, we need to talk.”

Sid told me he was at a rest area off of exit 39. After we hung up, I plugged it into the GPS. Turns out it was only three miles away.

I pulled off the highway and drove slowly into the rest area, looking for the picnic area Sid had mentioned. There were plenty of tourists stopping off to use the restrooms.

Beneath the shade of a palm tree, an old guy in a golf shirt sat by himself on a concrete bench.

I parked my car. Jack roared in next to me.

“What’s going on?” he asked as he cut his engine.

“We’re meeting Sid,” I said tersely, not wanting to talk to Jack any more than necessary.

We walked over in silence and sat across from my boss.

The first thing he said was, “You look awful pissy for two people who got laid last night. What, are you both bad in the sack?”

Jack looked at me in shock, like What the fuck are you talking to him about THAT for?

“I didn’t tell him,” I said defensively.