“But you said – ”

“All the shit you’ve done to me, and you want to bust my nuts about fuckin’ pot?!”

That shut her up.

I looked away and shook my head in disgust. “After all the fucking bullshit we used to be into, now the DEA wants to take us down over weed. Figures.”

“I don’t think it’s just the marijuana,” Fiona said. “Eddie sounded like he was talking about something really, really big. After years of doing nothing, the DEA wouldn’t piss off California by raiding hundreds of legal dispensaries, would they? And why would they put a guy undercover for that?”

“They’re the fucking federal government,” I said. “Who the fuck knows what’s going on in their heads.”

“I still think it’s more than that.”

“What else could it be? Other than the pot, we’re completely legal.”

“That you know of,” Sid pointed out.

I looked at him. “What do you mean?”

“What’s the simplest explanation, genius?”


“Lou might not be completely legal, and I just don’t know about it,” I realized.

“Ding ding ding,” the old fart said. “Get that kid a prize.”

“But the DEA might know about it,” Fiona added.

“Well how are we going to find out?” I asked sarcastically. “You want to call your guy up and just ask him?”

She looked at me with that unwavering gaze she used when she was set on something.

“Yeah,” she said quietly. “I think we should.”


We argued about it for another fifteen minutes.

There was no way in the world I wanted to get within spitting distance of the DEA, much less work with them. Turn rat? Fuck over the club? No way in hell.

But, as Fiona pointed out, the wolf was already in the henhouse (if you can call a bunch of bikers a ‘henhouse’). If I stood back and did nothing, the DEA would sure as shit torch the club on their own. It was only a matter of time.

I thought about outing Eddie and using the backlash to dethrone Lou – basically the exact same play that Lou used with Fiona and me. But I quickly discarded that option.

One, I’d be opening myself up to prison time for exposing an undercover agent. Fiona was dead right about that.

Two, there’s no way Eddie would escape alive. Even if I didn’t kill him, somebody else would. A traitor in their midst? Fuck that. The entire club would be out for blood.

I didn’t care if Eddie was a traitor and a federal douchebag; I wasn’t going to be responsible for his death.

It also didn’t help that the DEA would come after us like a rabid pitbull for killing one of their own. I could argue to the MC all day long that offing a government agent was the stupidest play possible, but the idiots in the group would still want their pound of flesh, no matter the cost.

Three, even if I could somehow expose Eddie but make sure he got away, he’d just round us all up later and charge us with whatever evidence the DEA already had on hand. Including me for exposing an undercover agent.

And four… there was Fiona to think about.

I was furious with her for all the lies she’d told me, for all the shit I’d gone through on her account. But in the end, I didn’t want to see her go to prison. And if the DEA got me for exposing an agent, they were damn sure going to ask me how I’d found out.