Kade shrugged, completely unaffected by my anger. “We’re alive.”

“Not for long.”

“Got our health.”

“Again, not for fucking long.”

Kade took a sip of his drink, then mused philosophically, “Your anal virginity is still intact.”

“My anal – ”

I started laughing. A little at first, then uncontrollably. I couldn’t help it. Big belly laughs that kept going and going until tears were rolling down my cheeks.

Throughout it all, Kade just sat there, unsmiling, watching me, and all the while the bastard kept drinking my goddamn scotch.

It took me a couple of minutes to get control of myself. When I finally did, I said, “You’re a son of a bitch, you know that?”

“That’s what my mother always told me.”

“Give me that fucking bottle.”

He tossed it through the air. I caught it one-handed, unscrewed the cap, and took a long slug.

“I notice you didn’t include a certain person on that list,” Kade said.

“Don’t,” I warned him.

“I’m just pointing out the obvious.”

“She fucking stabbed me in the back, Kade.”

“I’m not saying she didn’t. But she had a pretty good reason for doing it.”

I glared at him. “After all you lost tonight because of her – ”

“I didn’t lose anything because of her. I lost it because of Lou. Tonight didn’t come out of nowhere – he’s been planning this for a long, long time.”

God damn him. I hated when he was logical. Even worse, I hated when he was right.

“She lied to my face.”

“She did,” Kade admitted.

“She put both of our lives in danger.”

“She did that, too.”

“And she didn’t warn us when she had the chance. When I explicitly gave her that fucking chance.”

“No, she didn’t,” Kade agreed. “But if somebody gunned you down in a back alley, I know I’d fuck over every last person in the world just to find out who did it so I could kill them.”

I looked over at him, stunned. It was the most emotional thing he’d ever said to me in all the years I’d known him. Even him delivering it in that flat voice of his couldn’t disguise that fact.

“I’d do the same for you,” I said quietly, and I meant it.

“Then you should be able to understand why she did it.”

“You just want to let her off the hook, scot-free?” I snarled.