“She was an informant, not a narc.”

“Same thing.”

“Maybe she had a change of heart. Maybe she saw that the people she was tangled up with were really dangerous, and she was afraid.”

“She was a drug addict. She would have hated and been afraid of you.” Suddenly I made the obvious connection that hadn’t been there because I’d been so blinded by shock. “Wait – was she gunned down in the alleyway that night because of YOU?!”


I stood up from the bed. “Did you put her there?! Was she doing something for you? Did she die because of you?!”

“Absolutely not,” he said forcefully. “I don’t know why she went there that night, but she didn’t tell me about it beforehand. I would have never put her in a situation where she was in danger like that.”

“Right. Except for the whole ‘reporting on a murderous motorcycle gang’ thing,” I sneered.

He gave me a probing look, like I’d just slipped up and he’d caught me. “‘Murderous’?”

“You were the one who made the call and told them to hold off on the Santa Muerte gunman. I don’t even know what happened to him. What did happen, exactly?”

“Let law enforcement deal with it, Fiona.”

“If you mean local law enforcement, maybe you haven’t noticed, but the Richards Police Department doesn’t really give a shit about anything that goes on with the Midnight Riders.”

He nodded. “Your cousin’s murder.”


“I might be able to help you with that.”

I froze. It took me a second to respond.

“W… what do you mean?”

“I mean I might be able to help you find out what happened to your cousin.”



Lou almost had me. If there was someone in Fiona’s room, we had to know who it was.

But then I remembered Roach’s rape charges from ten years ago – remembered his knife collection –

“I’ll handle it,” I said.

Lou sneered at me. “You’ll handle it. Right.”

“I will. I’ll get it out of her – not Roach.”

“What are you gonna do, Jack, fuck it out of her?”

“Uhhhh… Lou, whatchoo want me to do?”

“Get the fuck over there and find out who’s in the room with her.”

“What if I can’t?”

“Then break down the goddamn door if you have to.”