But there was. What ifs were useless at this point.

I was completely at his mercy, whoever he was.

Whoever he was…

The voice sounded vaguely familiar. My mind clicked into analytical mode, trying to identify it.


No. Not deep enough.

Peanut, the strip club bouncer?



Absolutely not.

But I had heard that same voice before – and not too long ago.

Who was it?

It was driving me crazy –

“In a few seconds I’m going to let go of your mouth. You’re not going to scream. Instead you’re going to sit down, and we’re going to have a talk. Just a talk… unless you do something stupid. Do you understand, Fiona?”


He knew me. So odds were I knew him.

Then he spoke again, and I realized it didn’t matter – because whether he was a strip club customer or a Midnight Rider, I was royally fucked.

“Or should I call you,” he continued, “Private Investigator Christenson?”





Back when I first patched in to the Midnight Riders – back when we really were outlaw bikers – there was this one fucker who had it out for me. His nickname was Moose, and he embodied everything that the handle implies: tall, heavy, and utterly stupid.

I was 21. I think he was a few years older, but he patched in right around the same time that I did. He was pissed because I got in within six months of meeting the brothers, while he’d been trying since he was 17.

They let me in because they liked me. Respected me. Not to mention I made my bones. I did some gnarly shit I swore would go with me to my grave… things I still regret to this day.

They basically let Moose in because, well, he was fuckin’ hanging around all the time – what else were they going to do? Plus he did all the shit work nobody else wanted to touch.

I guess they felt sorry for him. Or they needed somebody on call to clean the toilets after all the strippers we brought to the Roadhouse got drunk and puked in the stalls.

Anyway, Moose wanted to fight me. He tried to pick one every opportunity he got. Called me a pussy in front of the entire club.

And every time I walked away.
