I felt his fingers brush against my ass. I realized he was taking his shaft in hand, and positioning it for –

Oh God.

The tip of his cock slid across my lips.

I had been wet before.

Now I was soaked.

He pressed his head against my pussy. There was a moment of resistance because of the angle, and then – with a liquid, soft pop! that was all sensation, no sound – my lips gave way and swallowed his head, almost drawing him in with a contraction of my muscles.


He eased himself in two inches, pulled out one.

Eased himself in two more inches, pulled out one.

Did that over and over again, slowly wetting himself down with my lubrication, until he was filling me up again.

This position – a guy’s chest to my back – usually didn’t do much for me. Because the guy has to come around from the opposite way and traverse a bit more distance, so to speak, you tend to lose several inches of penetration.

With most of the guys I’d been with, there really weren’t several inches to spare.

Not a problem with Jack.

In the times I’d done this position in the past, I’d wound up feeling like I wasn’t getting much inside me.

Again – not a problem with Jack.

So not a problem.

“Oh Jesus,” I moaned.

He wasn’t filling me up as much as he had been last time, but he was still filling me up way more than any other guy had my entire life, in any position.

Not only that, but his cock was caressing me in entirely new ways. New places deep inside me. Entirely new sensations.

For one thing, I wasn’t used to getting my g-spot that stimulated unless somebody was using their fingers.

In missionary, Jack had easily been doing it just with the thick, heavy ridge on the head of his cock.

Now, the angle of his thrusts made sure every inch of his shaft was stimulating my spot.

Constant, full, inch after inch, non-stop, one-two-three-four-start-all-over.

Holy shit.

My left hand gripped the sheets and my right hand reached around and gripped his leg as I screamed my fool head off in delight.


“No,” he growled in my ear.

The pressure building up inside of me was crazy. It was literally making me feel insane.

“I CAN’T – ”

“Don’t say stop, don’t say stop, just keep fucking me,” he groaned as his cock kept slamming hard and thick inside me.