“Beg me for it,” he demanded.

To torture me even more, he touched the wet tip of his cock to my labia. It wasn’t enough to make me come, but I could feel the electricity, the hot liquid dam of orgasm about to break through.

“Just make me come,” I groaned.

“First, beg me to fuck you,” he growled.

I couldn’t hold back anymore. I wanted it too badly. I would have done anything he asked, just to be able to come –

And to come with that massive, gorgeous cock inside me.

“Please,” I moaned. “Please fuck me, please fuck me – ”

And with that, he pushed the head of his cock between my aching lips.

It was heaven. Not latex, not plastic, but wet human skin on skin. Like silk compared with burlap, like full-on fucking compared with just watching porn.

The first wave of orgasm slammed through me like a hurricane. I screamed as I felt my whole lower body erupt in ecstasy, my thighs vibrating, my pussy quivering, my body trembling. Contraction after contraction, crest after crest rolled through me like ocean waves.

But he kept pushing deeper, easing himself inside me… and my orgasm followed suit.

I started coming deeper – much deeper inside me – the depths of my body following the contours of his cock as he pushed inside me, easing his swollen head up inside my most secret places. My vision went white for a second and the whole room disappeared, and there was nothing but the feeling of his cock filling me up, more than I’d ever been filled in my entire life, flooding me with pleasure, with life, with elemental maleness, with orgasm.

I moaned and bucked and writhed under him – and still he kept sliding inside me, wet, slick, his massive girth widening my lips, pressing against every interior inch of me, causing me a delicious pain that was immediately overwhelmed by more pleasure.

As I felt the last waves of my orgasm slowly dwindle away, all I knew is that I wanted more. I had to have more. I would do anything to have more. I would DIE without more.

“Fuck me, please fuck me,” I moaned.

He complied.

Oh GOD did he comply.


He went reasonably slow at first, rocking back and forth, making sure his entire length was entirely wet from my juices.

He pulled out almost all the way, so that just the tip of his cock was still inside me, leaving me aching for that thick, UNH sensation of being completely filled.

Then he would slowly ease his way back in, satiating me for a few seconds until he slid back out.

An unending cycle of depriving me and then overwhelming me with pleasure.

There was one really good thing about him almost pulling out, though:

I was right about that hard, firm ridge on the crown of his cock.

It stroked my g-spot perfectly, like a kiss.

A hard kiss, that is.

Then, once he was drenched and slick from his base to his tip, he began to thrust.


Then faster…
