But I didn’t say it, obviously.

“Because Lou was hell-bent on revenge, and I don’t see him just turning over the guy to the cops.”

Jack cocked his head the tiniest bit to the right, like You have a point. “You understand I can’t say anything around you that would make you a witness, right?”

“I’m not going to say anything to anybody, ever,” I protested.

Jack stared at me, his eyes suddenly hard. “Why not?”

Because I came here to find my cousin’s killer, not dime out Lou for killing a guy who probably deserved it.

Unless Lou killed Ali, too.

“As far as I’m concerned, that guy deserved anything he got tonight,” I said, and meant it.

Jack looked at Kade like Well, well, well. “Maybe she should be hanging with Lou instead of us.”

“That’s not fair,” I snapped. “It was a hit! What, I’m supposed to hope a hired killer who might have gunned us down – ”

Jack’s face lit up in alarm. “Who said it was a hit?”

“Kade did!”

Jack looked at his subordinate in disgust.

Kade didn’t seem the slightest bit fazed. He did give a little shrug, though. “I was just pointing out the obvious.”

“Maybe it’s not her I should be worried about talking too much,” Jack growled.

“She was there. She saw it go down.”

“Yeah. I saw it go down,” I insisted.

Jack looked at me, amused again. Like Simmer down, Annie Oakley. “Speaking of which, we need to get you to the cops so you can make a statement. I would prefer if you would avoid terms like ‘hit’ when you do it. Also, skip anything regarding what Lou might or might not have done after the shooting.”

My guts suddenly went cold with fear.

“Uh… do I have to?” I asked, my voice barely a peep.

Jack frowned. “Why the hell wouldn’t you?”

Why the hell WOULDN’T I, exactly?

“I, uh… I have sort of a checkered past with law enforcement,” I said meekly.

Not true at all, and not a lie I could back up, but I was in way over my head here. Time to get creative.

Jack stared at me. “Really. Just how ‘checkered’ are we talking about?”

“…uh… drug shit. Back when I was a teenager. I’ve cleaned up my act since then, but, um… cops and I don’t mix.”

“Why didn’t you mention any of this the other night?” he asked darkly.

“I… wanted to get laid?”

He laughed. “Well, that’s a good reason – but I was talking about before that. When I wanted to get laid, and you weren’t quite so cooperative.”

Think, Fiona. THINK.