“Jack?!” I cried out as I turned.

Kade’s massive hand grabbed my arm and pinned it to the kitchen island.

“Hey!” I snapped.

The Viking put one finger to his lips in a silent Shhhh. Then he scooped his .45 off the counter, let go of my arm, and prowled through the kitchen and into the front of the house.

I watched with my heart in my throat as he pulled back the curtains the tiniest bit –

“It’s him,” Kade confirmed.

I raced to the front door and flung it open.

Jack was trudging wearily up the front walk. I bounded down the steps, into his arms, and buried my head in the crook of his neck. All I could smell was leather, gunpowder, and the coppery scent of blood.

It took everything inside me not to start crying.

Jack put his arms around me and held me close without saying anything for a very long time. When he finally spoke, he pulled back so he could look into my eyes.

“You okay?” he asked tenderly.

I nodded. “Are you?”

“I’ve been better.”

“Can we move this inside?” Kade asked from where he stood in the doorway, gun at the ready and scanning the darkness.

“Good idea.” Jack hooked his arm around my waist and pulled me towards the front door. “Thanks for bringing her here. You have any problems?”

Kade stepped aside so we could enter the house. “No.”

“Good. That makes one of us.”


Imade us a pot of coffee while Jack showered and changed into a new wifebeater and jeans. When he strode back into the kitchen… I know it was fucked up, considering all the violence that had happened that night… but I so wanted to just pull him into the bedroom and feel him inside me.

I wanted to feel safe again.

I wanted to feel something besides this fear, this dread.

But I pushed all ideas of his naked body aside as I poured three cups of coffee. “What happened?”

Kade’s eyes flickered up at his boss. A warning.

“Give me a break – I was there,” I seethed. “You either saved the gunman’s life, or Lou killed him.”

“Maybe he got away,” Jack suggested before he took a drink.

“I doubt that.”

“Maybe the cops caught him. Maybe he’s in custody right now, awaiting his bail hearing.”

“Yeah, I doubt that, too.”

Jack looked amused. “And why would you doubt that?”

I wanted to say, Because I know how the police around here work. They shut down murder investigations when it suits somebody in your gang.