All I could hear, though, was Stop being a pussy and be a goddamn man for once, Jack!

He’d said it in front of Kade and Eddie, and not the rest of the crew… and he’d just given his little warning to Eyeball. Maybe he was going to back me up.


But I still wasn’t going to trust him any farther than I could throw him.

“He deserves a bullet in his head!” somebody yelled, and the entire group murmured in agreement.

Lou just watched in amused silence.

“This guy’s going to jail,” I shouted at them. “He’s going to do 20 to life for accessory to murder. That’s good enough.”

“He shot one of ours!” Chuck shouted. “He’s DEAD FUCKIN’ MEAT!”

The angry murmurs turned to shouts.

“We got out of that life three years ago!” I roared back. “This isn’t some goddamn Charles Bronson movie! This isn’t fuckin’ Sons Of Anarchy! We’re clean now. We’re not murdering some scumbag in cold blood on the side of the road. Yeah, he deserves to die – but we’re not giving up three long, hard years on account of him. We’re not sacrificing all of that. Not after all we’ve been through.”

The group was silent. I could tell they hated me for not giving in to their desire for vengeance, but at least they were standing still and not tearing the guy apart piece by piece.

Lou rubbed his beard with his free hand. “That was a good speech, Jack.”

As I turned to look at him, Lou raised the shotgun up about eight inches and shot the gunman in the chest.


Istumbled back in shock, my ears ringing with the blast.

Then I looked up at Lou, who was wearing the same mild look on his face as two seconds ago.

“YOU SON OF A BITCH!” I roared, and punched Lou squarely in the jaw.

Probably not the smartest thing to do to a man holding a shotgun, but I wasn’t thinking clearly.

Lou staggered back, but kept his feet.

The entire MC roared – some in disapproval, some in shock, some in rage.

My guess was that they were siding with Lou.

I wasn’t worried about that at the moment, though.

I was worried about the shotgun.

I lunged forward and tore it out of his grasp, keeping the barrel pointed away from me or anyone else.

Lou let go of it easily – too easily. Not because he was stunned, but because he was giving in.

I’m LETTING you do this, he might as well have said.

Which infuriated me even more.

Now that I had the shotgun, I drove the wooden stock into his gut.

He doubled over and crouched on the ground.

The group was about to lose their minds.