“That doesn’t make any sense.”

“None of it makes any sense!” I fumed.

“No, it doesn’t.” Kade agreed. “But it wasn’t a robbery.”



Islowed and circled back around to where the gunman was lying on the ground, screaming. His wrecked bike lay further down the road. Small bits of metal littered the highway.

By the time I got to him, the rest of the club had pulled up. Their headlights washed over the gunman in a yellowish haze, showing just how bloody and broken he actually was.

The guy needed a hospital soon, or he’d die without anybody having to lift a finger.

Of course, though, they all wanted to lift a finger.

Eyeball got off his bike, stomped over, and kicked the guy’s ribs savagely.

“GET OFF HIM!” I roared as I stepped off my own bike.

“This fucker shot Benjy!” Eyeball spat, and kicked the gunman again. “Maybe even killed him!”

Without another word, I walked up and laid a right cross into Eyeball’s jaw.

He went down like a sack of cement.

“THAT’S for disobeying me when I told you to pull back,” I said coldly.

Eyeball stumbled to his feet in a daze.

Then I punched him in the gut and sent him sinking to his knees.

“And that’s for disobeying me when I told you to get off him.”

Now the other eight guys behind Eyeball were murmuring angrily.

Just like a lynch mob.

“Now, now,” a devilish voice said. “You all know the punishment for insubordination.”


I hadn’t seen his bike catch up with the others.

He strolled over leisurely, his shotgun dangling by his side like a cane. His fancy shoes scuffed on the asphalt with every slow step he took. His Italian suit and black shirt looked out of place among the denim and leather kuttes.

Lou put the shotgun muzzle under Eyeball’s chin and gently lifted his face up to look at him.

No matter how tough Eyeball seemed with that tattooed eye, he was about to piss his pants.

“I like you, kid, but if I were president and you disobeyed me? We’d be burying your body in a shallow grave next to that piece of shit,” Lou said, and jerked his head over at the gunman lying moaning on the ground.

“Nobody’s burying anybody in a shallow grave,” I said loudly.

Lou looked over his shoulder at me and smiled. “Of course not.” He removed the shotgun from under Eyeball’s chin and let the gun dangle loosely at his side again.

Of course not.