“And cell phones, too,” I suggested. “On the international black market, that could be another – ”

“No.” Kade shook his head. “Not unless they had everybody remove the batteries first. Otherwise law enforcement could track them immediately.”

Damn, this guy knew his shit. Which irritated me even more, seeing as I was a P.I. and hadn’t thought of it.

“Maybe it was a ‘get in and out quick’ kind of thing,” I said.

“If it was that, he would’ve gone just for the strippers.”

“Maybe the robber was an idiot.”

“Yes, but only because he didn’t bring more guys to lock down every corner in the place.”

“Well if it wasn’t a robbery, what was it?”

“A hit. They only wanted it to look like a robbery.”

The world skewed crazily, and I felt unsteady on my feet.

“A hit? You mean, like – they came there to kill somebody?”

He nodded.

I tried to logic my way out of it. It was ridiculous; it was something out of a movie.

“Why would they do a hit in front of thirty witnesses? And with their gang emblems on the back of their jackets?”

Kade shrugged. “To rub it in our face. To start a war.”

“You guys are at war with the Santa Muertes?”

“We have been in the past.”

My stomach turned. “While Jack’s been president?”

Kade shook his head. “No. That was one of the first things he did, was make peace.”

“So why would they start up again?”

“I don’t know.”

“And why bother to make it look like a robbery?”

“I don’t know.”

“And if they really wanted to start a war, why didn’t the entire gang come in and kill every single Midnight Rider in there?”

For the second time that night, I saw an emotion on Kade’s face. It wasn’t confusion this time; more like intense scrutiny. “That’s what I can’t figure out.”

“What can’t you figure out?”

“If they wanted to take over our territory, or start a war, or destroy the club, they had the president, the VP, and me, the Sergeant-at-Arms, all in the same place at the same time. They could have wiped out the top leadership in one blow. But they killed a new member who’d just patched in a year ago. It was pointless.”

“Maybe they were going after him specifically,” I said, finally buying into his conspiracy theory. “Maybe he did something to them.”

“Then they would have killed him outside the club. In his apartment, out on the street.”

“Well, maybe it’s like you said – they wanted to send a message.”