Chuck didn’t look happy, but he complied.

Eyeball was one of Lou’s guys. A down-the-line thug. The reason we called him ‘Eyeball’ was because he’d had the whites of his left eye tattooed to black.

He shook his head ‘no.’

I knew what that meant. He was waiting until Lou showed up, and then the party would get into full swing.

I pointed savagely behind me, ordering him back.

He still shook his head ‘no.’

Fucker was going to pay for his disobedience.

But since I couldn’t very well talk them out of it at 100 miles per hour, I figured I had two choices: wait for Lou to catch up, then watch the gunman take a shotgun blast to the back of the head… or take the guy down myself and try to keep the wolves off him.

I accelerated past Eyeball and took off after the lone rider.



Istood outside the strip club. Sirens were wailing in the near distance.

Kade stood astride his motorcycle, the engine revving.

“Get on,” Kade ordered. “Now.”

Ordinarily I would have argued and stayed behind. Ordinarily I would have said, If you’re a witness to a crime, you ALWAYS wait until the police show up and tell them what you know.

But I was in Richards, California to solve a murder the police hadn’t been able to.

Or had chosen not to.

Or maybe even been paid not to.

If one of the cops happened to remember the name Fiona Christensen, cousin of murder victim Alison Rivers – and I was sure someone would, after my hundred-plus phone calls over the last year – my cover would be blown. Either by accident, or maybe by outright ratting to the motorcycle club.

I trusted in Jack’s innate goodness. He was chasing down a scumbag to try to save the guy’s life; he wasn’t going to do anything to me. He might run me out of town, but that was all he would do. I was sure of it.

But if Lou got the information?

Or the person who had actually killed Ali?

I didn’t want to think about it.

Not only that, but the murderer was dead. Nothing I could do about that.

And as far as I was concerned, the other guy deserved whatever was coming to him. As fucked up as it might sound, I halfway hoped Jack didn’t catch up to Lou in time.

Before Ali’s murder I wouldn’t have felt that way. In fact, I would have been horrified at my thoughts.

Not anymore.

I was here in Richards for one reason, and one reason only.

And waiting for the cops would destroy any hope or options I had.

I got on the bike, and Kade took off down the street in the opposite direction of the sirens.