“I need the police and an ambulance here right now,” Kade said emotionlessly into the cell. “Seven Veils strip club. There’s been a shooting.”

While Lou barked at the strippers and told the remaining customers to stay put, I got unsteadily to my feet and stumbled over towards Jack.

Shelley was sobbing behind the bar on the ground.

“Are you okay?” I asked her, my voice shaky.

She looked up at me, confusion in her eyes.

“Are you shot?” I asked.

She shook her head ‘no.’

Suddenly Eddie raced into the club through the backdoor, alone.

“Did you get him?” Lou snarled.

Eddie shook his head. “He took off the second he got out there. He must’ve left his bike running.”

“Well go the fuck after him!” Lou roared.

“The other guys already are. I came back to tell you.”

“Call them and tell them to wait for me before they do anything,” Lou ordered as he headed for the front door.

Eddie nodded and pulled out a cell phone.

“What are you doing?” Jack said angrily to Lou.

“What the fuck does it look like I’m doing?”

“Let the cops handle it!”

“FUCK THE COPS!” Lou raged. “Those motherfuckers killed one of ours! I’d shoot this son of a bitch again if he wasn’t already dead!”

With that, Lou rammed the stock of the shotgun into the side of the gunman’s skull.

The body slumped over, away from the support beam. For the first time, the emblem on the back of his leather jacket was clear: a skull wearing a hood and a crown of grey roses across her brow.

“Shit,” Lou seethed. “Fuckin’ Santa Muertes.”

Somewhere in my memory, a bell chimed.

The Santa Muertes were an Hispanic biker gang. Really scary, really bad news. Jack had gone to jail for beating up one of their members years ago.

Lou stalked towards the front of the strip club, still carrying his shotgun.

“Lou – ” Jack warned.

“STOP BEING A PUSSY AND BE A GODDAMN MAN FOR ONCE, JACK!” Lou roared as he slammed through the front door and out into the night.

I could see murderous rage on Jack’s face as he watched Lou disappear. “EDDIE!” he yelled.

The mustached man looked around in surprise. “What?”

“Get your ass over here and take over for me. Put pressure on Benjy’s wounds till the ambulance comes.”

“But – ”