I suddenly wished I hadn’t ignored Sid’s advice about keeping my .38 on me at all times.

I felt Jack’s strong hands clutch my arms. He maneuvered between me and the gunmen. His broad body shielded mine as he pressed close to me.

“Don’t do anything,” Jack whispered in my ear.

Suddenly the lead guy opened fire.


Benjy’s body thrashed, then crumpled to the ground.

I heard Shelley shriek. In fact, every woman in the place screamed – except me.

Jack tackled me to the ground, but broke our fall with both his arms behind me, one hand cradling my head.

“Stay down,” he hissed, then wrenched around with his body still lying atop mine. He pulled a pistol from the small of his back –

But Lou was already there, stepping out of his office.

He had a shotgun.

The robber never saw it coming.


At the same instant, there was another gunshot, though I couldn’t see where it came from. All I knew was it wasn’t Jack’s, because I didn’t see his gun flare, and the noise wasn’t close enough to deafen me.


The robber slammed against a nearby support column and collapsed to the floor.

More screams.

The other masked man panicked and darted out the back door. The second he disappeared, every rank-and-file guy in the motorcycle club rushed after him – though they were smart enough to pause at the door and scope it out in case the guy was waiting in ambush.

Jack jumped to his feet and rushed over to the bar, his gun trained on the robber slumped against the support column.

Lou stalked over, shotgun at the ready.

Kade suddenly appeared, the smoking .45 in his hands trained on the robber. His must have been the other gunshot I’d heard.

“I think we got him at the same time, kid,” Lou growled. “But I’d say mine finished him off.”

Kade didn’t say anything. He just kicked away the robber’s pistol, which had fallen out of his slack hand onto the floor.

Jack pressed his hands against Benjy’s chest wounds, trying to put pressure on them. “Shit – hold on, Benjy – hold on, kid – SOMEBODY CALL 911!”

I know it was absolutely awful of me – after all, a man’s life was on the line – but every cell in my body screamed in panic when Jack said that.

If the cops came here, they would ask my name – and find out that Fiona Christensen, cousin of murder victim Alison Levitt, was here in town. Someone would make the connection; God knows I had harangued the police department enough for dropping the ball on her murder investigation. All of the detectives and probably some of the rank-and-file had come to hate me.

Before long, word would get back to Jack. My entire cover would be blown.

And maybe something even worse would happen.

But I couldn’t run. That would definitely blow my cover. So I just stood there, frozen and helpless.

Kade whipped out a cell phone with one hand and kept his gun trained on the robber with the other. Lou seemed to be right about him being dead, though; the guy wasn’t moving at all.