“No,” I said, a little more sharply than I meant to.

Lou put up his hands in a Whoa, don’t shoot gesture. “Okay.”

“It’s not that,” I said. “It’s just… something really weird happened this morning with Fiona.”

“What, she stick her finger up your ass when you blew your load?”

“I’m serious, Lou.”

He sighed and waited expectantly.

“She asked about Alison Levitt.”

Lou frowned. “Who?”

“That stripper of yours last year. The one who…?”

Lou’s eyes suddenly came dangerously alive. “What the fuck was she asking about her for?”

“Relax. She saw a picture of her on the wall and – ”

“What the fuck do you have a picture of her on your wall for, Jack?” Lou asked, angry now.

“Lou?” I said, my voice dangerous. “Back off.”

He exhaled sharply and looked away, gathered his wits, then turned back to me. “Jack, do I need to tell you exactly how fuckin’ stupid it is to have a picture of her hangin’ over your toilet?”

“Don’t,” I snapped.

“Don’t what? Knock some common sense into that fuckin’ head of yours?”

“It’s a picture. On my bedroom wall.”

“Ohhhh, well, that’s so much better. What do you do, beat off to it at night before you go to sleep?”

I just stared at him and cracked my knuckles with one hand, my thumb popping the joint in my fingers, one by one.

“Alright – alright, forget I said that.” Lou leaned forward and dropped his voice. “But that was some bad fuckin’ times, man, and I do not see the wisdom in you keeping shit like that lying around.”

“It’s a picture. People have pictures.”

“Not of chicks they barely knew who got their brains blown out in an alleyway,” Lou seethed.

I swear to God, I wanted to leap over the desk and pound his teeth down his throat.

Lou saw it and had the good sense to ease off. “All I’m sayin’ is, we went to a lot of trouble to bury that shit – ”

“Maybe we shouldn’t have.”

“You know as well as I do what she was planning to do,” Lou hissed.

I looked away. I hadn’t thought about Alison Levitt in a long time. Now that I had, the guilt was eating me alive.

“We shouldn’t have had the cops bury it,” I said.

“Haha – we shouldn’t’ve had the cops – Jesus,” Lou swore. “You’re a piece of work, you know that? The cops start pullin’ on one string, and suddenly it leads to another, and then the FBI and the DEA are in on it, and then you and me and every other guy in the Riders are left standing there with our dicks in our hands and a couple dozen laser sights on our foreheads. Shouldn’t’ve had the cops bury it, my ass.”

“That’s not the way we do things anymore.”