Because I didn’t want it to be possible that he could have hurt her.

Because I wanted him so badly.

I cried like that for another few seconds, then wiped my tears and forced myself to get a grip.

I put the car back into drive and headed for my motel.



Iwas sitting there in my office, lost in my thoughts, when Lou walked in and shut the door behind him.

“Jesus, I’d hate to be the guy you’re thinkin’ about killin’ right now,” he joked.

I looked up at him in a daze, then shook it off. “It’s not a guy I’m thinking about.”

He plopped down in a chair opposite my desk. “Do I need to start lookin’ for another waitress?”

“No,” I sighed.

“She got her hooks that deep in you already, huh?” Lou chortled.

“No,” I said decisively.


I don’t know.

“Well, putting aside pleasure for a little bit, we need to discuss business,” Lou said. “There’s a shipment coming in next Friday. We need to arrange a welcoming party for the transfer, we need to get the money together, and we need a place to store it.”

“What about the warehouse on Abernathy?”

“We used that last time. I don’t like repeating so soon. Just in case.”

The rest went unstated, but I fully understood.

Just in case somebody was watching.

Like the feds.

Or somebody worse.

“I don’t want it here,” I said.

“Of course not,” Lou agreed, though I could tell that’s exactly what he’d been about to suggest.

“And the Seven Veils is out,” I said, mostly just to even things out. I owned the body shop, he owned the strip club. If my business was off limits, his could be, too.

He knew my token gesture just that – a token – and he wasn’t about to play along.

“Since we used the Veils two deliveries ago,” he said sarcastically, “yeah, we might wanna wait a little while for the next one.”

I ignored his tone. “There’s the liquor store on Mason.”

“Or the motel on 19.”

Lou owned that one, too. But I immediately thought of Fiona, since that’s where she was staying.