
“Fiona?” Jack’s voice called again.

I didn’t answer.

He started walking towards the bedroom.

I ignored the fear I felt and put on a cold, distant expression as I stared at the photograph of a redheaded biker chick.


Jack came to the door and looked in. “What’s – oh.”

He chuckled slightly and walked up behind me, put his arms around me, nuzzled my neck.

Despite how frightened I was, something inside me still responded to his touch. I’d just spent last night with him – one of the best nights of my life. Jack Pollari was 100% man, a bad boy with a gentle side, the leader of the Midnight Riders Motorcycle Club and reputedly the most powerful man in town.

But I was acutely aware of how powerful those strong arms around me actually were.

How quickly they could strangle the life out of me if I didn’t play this right.

“Is that your wife?” I asked coldly.

“Who, her?” he asked, looking up at the redhead. “No. No, there’s not a picture of my ex in this house. For a lot of very good reasons.”

“So… what is she, then? Your girlfriend?” I paused, then added some venom to my voice for effect. “Your fuck buddy?”

I felt his arms tense up, and then his body pull away. He circled to my side and forced me around to face him. His expression was gentle but concerned. “Hey. Hey, look at me.”

I didn’t, of course. I looked down at the floor, avoiding his eyes.

“Fiona… last night was fucking incredible, but – seriously? Are you really going to pull this shit just because I have some pictures on my wall? Pictures that were up there before you ever walked into my life?”

“I’m… I’m sorry,” I muttered, though I didn’t look up at him. “I just… I get really jealous sometimes.”

Total bullshit.

Well, maybe not total bullshit.

But it wasn’t what was really going on with me at that moment.

He bought it, though. Hook, line, and sinker.

I could hear the grin in his voice as he said, “I can see that.”

I avoided his eyes and looked up at the picture of the redhead. “So who is she?”

“An old girlfriend from years ago. She’s married with three kids now.”

“And your wife let you put her picture up on the wall?”

“No… but she’s my ex-wife now, and she doesn’t get to say shit about whose pictures I put on my wall.”

I got the implicit warning.

I ignored it.

I didn’t think I should risk sounding like a three-year-old – Who’s that? Who’s that? Who’s that? – so I just went straight for the jugular.