There was what I assumed was a wedding photo, too – Jack looking incredibly hot in a tux, and two groomsmen on either side, all smiling.

He’d mentioned he’d been divorced, but he didn’t say how long ago. I scanned the photos quickly, looking for a bride. There wasn’t one. There were a number of women, biker-chick eye candy – one here, a different one there – but no repeats. Nobody that would qualify for ‘wife’ status.

My private investigator mind churned into overdrive. The house showed no signs of a female presence; the décor was all very masculine. All the clothes in the closet were his.

It had probably been awhile.

But I was curious.

“You were married?” I called out.

“Where’d that come from?” he asked, genuinely puzzled.

“This picture of you in a tux.”

He laughed in the other room. “Looking at my wall o’ memories, huh?”


“I told you I was divorced.”

“I know – but you didn’t say when.”

“Two years ago.”

“Oh,” I said, relieved – and, to my surprise, a little bit jealous. The women in the photos were all good-looking. Some were surgically enhanced. I was going through the photos, mentally ticking them off – She looks a little like me – she looks NOTHING like me – when I stopped dead.

There was a very familiar photo at the end of the row.

It was of a dive bar with a jukebox in the background. Red neon lights cast a pink glow on everything. In the photo, Jack had his arm around a smiling blonde in a white tube top and low-slung jeans. There was a butterfly tattoo visible above her right hipbone.

The one she’d gotten for her 18th birthday.


In the heat and frenzy of last night, I had totally forgotten her. Had totally forgotten why I was here in this town.

The shame of that realization crushed me.

Like a ghost or an accusing angel, she’d appeared to remind me of my purpose, and how far I had strayed.

It’s hard to describe the mix of emotions I felt.

Sorrow – to see my dead cousin.

Guilt – that I had betrayed her.

Repulsion – that maybe I had unknowingly slept with a man she had, too.

And terror…

…that I might be standing fifty feet away from the man who had killed her.


