I don’t know what it was about the way he said it, and it wouldn’t have ordinarily turned me on – but in the middle of that pounding, throbbing orgy of pleasure, I suddenly wanted to give him exactly what he was asking for.

But I wanted something, too.

“Fuck me harder, then,” I rasped.

Ask and ye shall receive.

He began thrusting so deep, so hard, that our bodies bounced up several inches off of the mattress, like he was trying to fuck me into the bed and down through the floorboards.

I loved it.

So I gave him what he asked for, and raked my fingernails down his back.

Digging deep into his skin.

Like an animal.

He grunted and grabbed my shoulders, forced me even further down on his cock as he plunged into me.

I clutched his ass, feeling it arching in the air, driving his cock so hard, so fast.

“Oh God, I’m coming again,” I cried out.

“Oh fuck – oh fuck,” he grunted.

“I’m coming – I’m coming – OH GOD – ”

“FUCK – ”

As I spiraled upwards into insane pleasure I felt him explode inside me, his cock spasming even bigger and thicker. The sensation increased my ecstasy: feeling him burst inside me, the pressure, the glorious, sweet fullness of him tight inside me. Even despite my own delirious screams, I heard his groans and curses as he came, fast and furious, contraction after contraction, over and over. He gradually slowed down, easing to a halt, until he lay there panting on top of me, his cock still deep inside me, his head nestled in the hollow of my neck. I ran my fingers through his hair, my whole body pulsing with pleasure from my head to my feet, as I drifted down slowly from the best orgasm of my life.


Idon’t remember much else before I slipped off to sleep. A little bit of talking – more like murmuring sleepily. A lot of touching each other’s bodies softly, sensuously…

And then I opened my eyes, and it was morning.

Sunlight streamed in through the window. I yawned and stretched sleepily. Between my legs there was a dull but pleasurable ache that reminded me of last night and everything we’d done.

I reached out for Jack’s body –

But he wasn’t there.

I sat up clutching the sheets to my chest and looked around. Since he’d brought me in here at night and hadn’t turned on the light, this was the first good look I’d had at his bedroom. Dark wood furniture; lots of photos on the wall – dozens of them, most in multi-picture frames.

The door was open, and there were soft sounds from the kitchen. The smell of coffee and bacon tickled my nose.

“Jack?” I called out.

Footsteps clacked on the hardwood floors and he suddenly appeared at the doorway, wearing dark pants, a blue ‘Pollari’s Body Shop’ shirt, and a huge smile.

“Morning, beautiful,” he said, walked over, and cupped my face with one hand as he kissed me lingeringly on the lips.


“Why didn’t you wake me?” I asked.

“Thought I’d let you sleep.”