“Huh,” the kid said, and watched as we got on the Harley. “Do you live around here?”

“About an hour south, down near Timber Cove.”

“Cool… do you think you might start another MC some day?” he asked hopefully.

Jack looked at me. “I don’t know – what do you think?”

“Maybe,” I said.

“Maybe,” Jack agreed, with the smallest trace of a smile.

“If you do… do you think I could join?” the kid asked.

“I don’t know. You ever dealt drugs or run guns? You ever shot or stabbed somebody? You ever been to prison?”

“No,” the kid said, obviously crestfallen. “No, I haven’t.”

“Good,” Jack nodded. “Then you got a shot at getting in.”

“Ha,” the kid said with a grin. “Cool… well… maybe I’ll see you around?”

“Yeah. Maybe you will.”

We watched the kid take off, and then Jack looked back around at me. “You ready, Mrs. Pollari?”

“I’m ready, Mr. Pollari.”

He kissed me, and then we put on our helmets and he fired up the engine. We rode out of the parking lot – the last glowing traces of the sunset on our left, and the future up the road ahead.

I hope you enjoyed the Complete Series of MIDNIGHT DESIRE!

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I also suggest you try my most recent series, MAFIA KINGS.

It’s basically a dark retelling of Beauty and the Beast set inside the world of the mafia in modern-day Italy.

It has all the drama, sex, and action in ALL THAT HE WANTS…although it is a bit edgier, so be forewarned.