“See ya next week, kid,” Sid said as he slammed the car door and drove off.

I watched the Oldsmobile disappear down the road.

“Will he?” Jack asked.

“What do you mean?”

“Will he see you next week?”

I looked at Jack, not sure whether to be cross or hopeful. “I don’t know… I guess…?”

“What do you have back there, besides your job?”

‘Hopeful’ started to win out.

“Not much… but this guy I like? He’s talking about moving up north and didn’t mention anything about me.”

Jack smiled. “Doesn’t mean he wasn’t intending on taking you with him.”

“Yeah, well, women like to be asked.”

“Mm. He’d be an idiot not to.”

“Yeah. He would.”

He wrapped his arms around my waist, pulled me to him, and kissed me.


I could do this all day…

When he pulled away, he looked deeply into my eyes. “Come with me.”

My heart skipped a beat, but I was still a little afraid. Which was funny – after nearly dying multiple times at the hands of a psychopath biker, I was a little afraid about a future with the hottest guy I’d ever met.

Who I just happened to be in love with, too.

“Where are you going to go?” I asked.

“Don’t know.”

“What are you going to do?”

“Don’t know that, either.”

“You’re making a real good case,” I said sardonically.

He laughed. “How about this: we’ll find a little place, maybe in a beach town near the ocean… and we’ll fuck all the time, day and night, except when we’re making love reeaaal slow… and whatever else happens, we’ll figure it out together. How’s that sound?”

My panties were about to melt. Plus my heart skipped a beat or two, as well. “That sounds pretty good.”

“I want to start my life over… but I want to do it with you by my side.”

“Okay,” I whispered, right before he kissed me breathless.


Three months later, we got married.