Jack laughed and gave him a big hug with a couple of back slaps. “Goddamn it – you had me worried, you son of a bitch.”

“I’m a tough fucker to kill,” Kade said unemotionally as he hugged back. “I heard you are, too.”

“Thank God,” I said, and then my eyes bugged out: after Kade stopped hugging Jack, he leaned over and embraced me.

“Oh my God, Kade’s hugging me, guys!” I whispered loudly.

“Don’t get all mushy about it,” Kade said as he let go of me.

Jack asked Fordham, “So… everything’s cool with Kade, right?”

“He’s part of the deal,” the DEA agent said.

“But the rest of the club – ”

“As I told you, it’s out of my hands. If they were there at the drug buy, they’ve got to answer for it. Sorry, but that’s just the way it is.”

Jack looked dour, but he nodded.

Fordham looked around at our group. “On behalf of the DEA, I want to thank all of you for your help. And, on a personal note, I want to thank you for myself… and for Eddie. You got the sonuvabitch behind his murder, and for that I’ll always be grateful.”

Fordham shook our hands one by one.

“So… are we free to go?” Jack asked.

“Yup. Just as soon as you give me the keys for the Escalade and the Harley.”


“Really?” I asked playfully. “Really?”

“They were a loan to help with the investigation. Not a gift.”

“After all we did for you guys – ”

“ – you don’t have to go to jail,” Fordham finished.

Jack and I both grumbled as we handed over the keys.

“Take care, you crazy kids,” Fordham said, then looked at Sid. “See you around, Marine.”

Sid gave him a casual salute, and Fordham walked back into the building.

“I think Eddie would want me to keep the Escalade,” I called out. “For all my trouble.”

“No he wouldn’t,” Fordham said without bothering to look back over his shoulder.

Fordham’s parting shot was funny rather than annoying – partly because it was true. Eddie had been an asshole to me, sure, but he’d been trying to bring down a bunch of psychopaths. He’d given up his life to do it. Even if I’d hated the guy at the time, he was just doing his job – and he apparently hadn’t given me up to Lou, even at the very end. He’d gone down fighting, and that was something I respected the hell out of.

Jack brought me out of my reverie. “Where should we go?”

“You’re welcome to crash at my place until you figure stuff out,” Kade offered.

“Okay, sounds good,” Jack agreed, then turned to Sid. “You mind giving us a ride, old timer?”

“Don’t think this ain’t goin’ on the bill,” Sid said as he led the way to his Oldsmobile.

“Well, it’s Friend Prices,” Jack said good-naturedly.