I dodged him – but I was busy watching his right hand, the one with the knife.

Not his left hand, which connected with my jaw.

God dammit!

It wasn’t much of a punch – he threw it with no wind-up, no power, basically just a love-tap – but it was enough to hurt. Enough to distract me.

And now I was caught between the horns of a bull.

If I went for the knife, he would use his left hand to grab my gun from the back of my jeans.

If I went for his left hand, he’d stab me. Same thing if I tried to pull my gun – he’d have a brief second to attack.

So instead, I did what any good street fighter would do:

I stepped in close and head-butted the motherfucker.

Lou staggered backwards, stunned.

I had one second before he recovered.

I used it.

The most powerful punch I had, right to the asshole’s nose.


Lou staggered backwards in a shower of blood.

I grabbed his knife-hand and brought his forearm down as I kicked up with my knee – just like I was breaking a branch over my thigh.

Sounded like one, too.


Lou screamed and dropped the knife.

One more punch to the jaw and he went down.

I dropped on top of him, knees on either side of his chest, and just started pounding his face. Punch after punch, hard as I could throw them.


“THAT’S for threatening my woman, you motherfucker!” I roared at him.


“And THAT’S for Kade!”


“And THAT’S for Ali!”


That was when I lost control. Something inside me snapped.

My vision went hazy and red. There was a ringing in my ears.