I wanted to kill him. I wanted to bash his face in, to torture him, to break every bone in his body. I wanted to make him suffer for hours, for days, and only then would I kill him.

I heard Sid’s voice whispering in my earpiece: “He’s just tryin’ to get in your head, kid. Don’t listen to him.”

I know that, Sid, I thought, but I still had to clench my jaws to keep from screaming back at Lou.

“You should thank me, by the way, for putting Benjy down,” he continued. “You wouldn’t have had the balls to do it. But then, that’s obvious, ain’t it? You’re a woman. Weak… stupid… only good for one thing. Just like your cousin… she’d let anybody fuck her for a line of coke, did you know that? I can’t tell you how many times she sucked me off for drugs.”

He was closer now. All I wanted to do was find him and make him take my gun in his mouth so I could say Suck THIS before I pulled the trigger.

“A little blow for a blowjob. I’ll let you suck my cock, just like her, right before I put the gun to your head and – ”

Suddenly, he stopped talking.

I was furious. I wanted to find him so badly. I kept on stalking, searching, staring into the darkness –

Suddenly the cold muzzle of a gun pressed against the side of my head.

“Ah-ah-aaaaah,” Lou whispered.


Iwas so angry I could cry.

It was over – I was going to die right here, and the fucker who was behind Ali’s murder would walk away –

But then he surprised me: he grabbed my gun with his free hand, pocketed it, and moved behind me. With his pistol still jammed against my temple, he hooked his arm around my neck and dragged me behind one of the rusting towers.

“I’ve got a Colt .357 Magnum pointed at your bitch’s head,” he yelled into the darkness. He growled into my ear, “Tell him.”

“KILL HIM, JACK!” I screamed.

Lou choked off my breath with his forearm and laughed. Then he shouted, “Don’t try anything unless you want her to die, dumbass. Now, whoever the fuck is up on the towers, throw your gun down, too. NOW. Or I shoot her nose off her face.”

No reply. Only the steady thrum of motorcycles and helicopters in the background. Gunshots, too, but they sounded like distant firecrackers on a summer night.

“DO IT!” Lou thundered.

There was a loud clatter about two hundred feet away, the sound of wood and metal striking cement.

“Good. Now get down off that tower. And make it loud – I better hear you movin’, you son of a bitch, or Fiona here’s gonna get a fuck of a lot uglier in the next 10 seconds.”

There were hollow clanking noises – footsteps clattering down the rungs of a ladder.

“Goooood. Now I want you to run to the other side of the fuckin’ gasworks, and every ten feet, I want you to hit something metal with your sidearm. Oh, yeah, I know you’ve got another gun – so fuckin’ use it, asshole. Hit a railing or a pipe or whatever, but hit it hard so I can hear it. You better haul ass out of here, shithead, and I better hear you running, or I swear to God you won’t be able to identify her face in the morgue.”

Sid started running through the gasworks. Every three or four seconds we would hear a metallic clank – and as he got farther and farther away, the clanking sounds were more muted, quieter.

Meanwhile, Lou was forcing me up a narrow metal ramp with no rails. As we climbed higher, I felt slightly dizzy knowing that one false step could send us tumbling out into space.

As we stumbled up the ramp, Lou shouted, “And you, Jack – walk out into the middle of the gasworks. That big patch of dirt with the grass. DO IT!”

I could see the area Lou was talking about a hundred feet to our right. Jack edged out into it slowly, his gun pointed towards us. His worried face was dimly lit by the red and blue police lights still flashing a quarter mile away.

“Thaaaaat’s it,” Lou said. “Slowly… come out in the middle… now, drop the gun and – ”

“KILL HIM, JACK!” I screamed. “FORGET ABOUT ME – hrrk – ”

Lou choked me until I couldn’t breathe and pressed the gun harder into my temple. “You speak again without me telling you, bitch, and you’ll fuckin’ regret it. Now DROP THE FUCKIN’ GUN, JACK.”