“I think he’s trying to spin it so that when Sloane helps him out, it’ll look like he was a genius to turn her from our side to his.”

“But… she’s not going to help him out… right?”

“We’ll see.”

“I thought you trusted her.”

“I do, but… I don’t know what to think anymore.” He sighed. “They told me that none of them wanted the club to go legit. That as soon as the money from the drugs and guns dried up, they wanted to go right back to being outlaws. Basically, I was a goddamn idiot who couldn’t see what was right in front of my own fucking eyes.”

“You were a good man,” I whispered, “trying to do the right thing.”

He kissed me softly, then pulled back slightly to look at me. “You were right. I shouldn’t have gone.”

“I don’t know. Now you can go into this knowing you tried everything you could to save them. Whatever happens to them now is on them and Lou, not you.”


“No maybes about it. You’ve got a clean conscience from here on out.”

He sighed again and held me tight. “I wish that were true.”

“What do we do now?” I asked.

“Now we wait.”

After we stood silently in each other’s arms for about 30 seconds, I squeezed his ass playfully and whispered, “I know a way we can pass the time.”

He laughed. “Tell me more.”

“Maybe it’s best if I show you.”


Ithink I did a suitably good job of distracting him.

It was a fun romp – different positions, some very vigorous fucking, and even some laughter as we fell off the bed at one point.

Oh, and a couple of mind-blowing orgasms.

We lingered on the floor afterward, wrapped up in a sheet and comforter, and just talked. About what he’d wanted to be when he grew up. (An astronaut, later a fireman – and then he saw his first biker on a Harley and was sold.) About what I’d wanted to be when I grew up. (A princess, then president, then an actress.) The paths that had led us to where we were, and the paths we still wanted to go down one day.

And all that talk just naturally led to caresses… which led to kissing… which led to us making love again.

I remember thinking, This is how life is supposed to be. Long, lazy afternoons… incredible sex… talking and touching… just being with the man you love.

It was a good day. I wished it could have gone on forever.

We broke for dinner, getting dressed and going out just long enough to get Chinese takeout and a six-pack of beer.

“Hell of a last dinner,” he said as we ate broccoli beef out of cardboard boxes on the porch and sipped from ice-cold cans.

“It’s not our last dinner,” I said as I straddled him on his chair, took his beer away from him, and finished it off. “And besides, it’s not dinner that’s the main attraction… it’s dessert.”

Which led immediately back to bed.

It was a good evening, too.