Next I had him tie Tex’s hands behind his back with another electrical cord. I’m sure it was painful with a bullet in his shoulder, but Tex shrieked like a little bitch the entire time.

“JESUS GOD, YOU’RE FUCKIN’ KILLIN’ ME!” as he lay facedown on the floor.

“Man the fuck up,” I snapped.


“You were the one who pulled on me first, remember?”


I kicked him in the ass as hard as I could. “Next one’s gonna be in the shoulder unless you shut the fuck up.”

He shut up.

Once Lee was finished, I tied his arms and legs.

Now that they were all trussed up like Christmas turkeys, I threw the phones in the microwave and set it on five minutes. Sparks began to fly inside.

I walked back into the living room. “I came here for one reason, and one reason only: to warn you motherfuckers to leave town. Shit’s going down – ”

“Yeah, with you and the Bastards, trying to fuck over the club!” Tex yelled.

I put my foot on his shoulder and applied a little pressure. He squealed like a stuck pig.

“You got anything else to say?” I asked.

He shook his head ‘no’ as the sweat poured down his face.

I continued. “Shit’s going down soon, and I don’t want you guys to get caught in the middle of it. You can listen to me or not, but I came back here to save you.”

I paused.

“That was the whole reason. For three years, that was the whole reason. Believe it or not, but it’s the God’s honest truth.”

I stood there at a loss for what else to say.

“Tell the others,” I finally said. “Bucky, and Craig, and Sanford. But don’t tell Lou, because he’ll just lie to you and fill your head with horseshit till you don’t know which way is up. Just… leave. That’s all I’m asking. And don’t follow me, or come after me again… because I will kill you if I have to. And that’s all the warning you’ll get.”

With that done, I walked out of the house as the phones in the microwave filled the kitchen with smoke.



Jack got back to the cottage around two in the afternoon.

“…how did it go?” I asked, though I could see it written on his face.

“Not good.”

Alarm must have shown on my face, because he hurriedly said, “They don’t know anything more than when I walked in – but Lou’s been feeding them lies. He’s been saying you and I are going around murdering club members out of revenge, so he put a $50,000 bounty on my head.”

“Holy shit,” I murmured.

“Not only that, he told them that we’re working with Sloane and the Bastards to destroy the club.”

“He told them that?!” I asked, bewildered. “But – ”