“I think that look on your face pretty much answers my questions,” Tex said. “‘Course, it looks a little suspicious that you didn’t volunteer that information up front.”

I suddenly got a cold feeling in my gut. I couldn’t say what it was, exactly – just the sense that something wasn’t right.

I glanced at Lee, Fishbone, and Indiana. They were all tense.

I looked over at Tex and saw his right hand was sliding between the cushions of his sofa.

Though he looked outwardly calm, a bead of sweat slowly trickled down the side of his face.

Then he moved.

I lunged up out of the recliner, grabbing my own gun from the back of my jeans.

Tex came out with a piece of crap .38. Of course, being hungover, he wasn’t nearly as fast as me.

I pulled the trigger.


Tex’s right shoulder sprayed red, and the .38 dropped to the floor.


“JESUS GOD, HE SHOT ME!” Tex screamed.

I swung my gun around at Lee, Fishbone, and Indiana. They all stood there frozen in shock, staring at Tex bleeding on the sofa.

“ON YOUR KNEES!” I yelled as I kicked the .38 out of reach.

The three of them slowly got down on their knees and put their hands behind their heads.

“OH JESUS, HE SHOT ME, HE SHOT ME!” Tex continued to screech.

“Shut the fuck up or I’ll shoot you again!” I roared.

He stopped saying anything intelligible, but he still whimpered and groaned.

The only silver lining to this entire situation was that for the neighborhood Tex lived in, a gunshot at 11 in the morning was nothing out of the ordinary. The fact that it was from a Midnight Rider’s house made it even less noteworthy. If anybody called the cops, they would probably show up in an hour, if they ever showed up at all.

“Now somebody want to tell me what the fuck is going on?” I demanded.

“Jack,” Indiana said in an overly apologetic voice, “I am REAL sorry about that bullshit that went down at the Roadhouse – ”

“Shut the fuck up about the Roadhouse!” I shouted. “What’s Lou been telling you?”

“Just what I fuckin’ said,” Tex snarled through his moans. “You killed eight Midnight Riders, you’re still with that traitor whore, and now you gone and sold out the club to Sloane and the Bastards.”

I stared at him. There was no way to refute any of what he said about Sloane, since secrecy was key to the whole fucking plan.

Fiona was right; I should have never come.

“And if anybody – ” Lee started.

“Shut the fuck up,” Tex hissed.

“If anybody what?”

Tex glared at me hatefully. Then he reached over with his good arm –