Something else strained against the material, too. Something that hung thick and long off to one side of the center seam.

I hurriedly raised my eyes, blushing.

He was too sleepy to notice. He frowned – though in a curious way, not in anger. “What… what’s up?”

“Round Three,” I said, and walked straight into his arms.


Itook him by surprise as I stood on my tiptoes, circled my arms around his neck, and pressed my lips to his.

Didn’t take him too long to recover, though.

His powerful arms closed around me and his mouth pressed feverishly against mine. I opened my mouth and let his tongue slide against mine, possessive and insistent.

He shut the door behind me, then slammed me against the wall and kissed me deeper.

A flood of adrenaline and pleasure shot through me when he did.

His bare skin was hot against my exposed arms as he wrapped himself around me. I felt his muscles move and swell, and I couldn’t get enough of his chiseled hardness against my softer curves.

Something else was moving and swelling, too. I could feel it pressing against my belly, with almost nothing between it and me. At first it was just a solid, heavy pressure, then it slowly began growing, getting thicker.

Jesus I wanted to see it.

I wanted to see it before it was all the way hard.

I broke off his kiss and sank down to my knees.

He looked down at me, confused, as though to say What?

I looked up at him, bit my lip with a smile, and began to tug at the bottom of his boxers.

You know when a guy’s lean and ripped, and he has that curve of muscle where his abs go all the way down to the base of his cock?

Jack had that.

And God it was beautiful.

I watched the cloth slide down his flat, hard stomach and held my breath as the boxers pulled slowly away, like I was unwrapping the best Christmas present ever.

The outside slope of his abs… the dark thatch of hair against his bronze skin… and finally the base of his cock.

Jesus it was thick. Very wide.

And he wasn’t even halfway hard yet.

I kept pulling, and the shaft of his cock began to appear.

It was beautiful, with bulging veins beneath the perfect skin.

And though it wasn’t quite as thick as the base, the rest of it was plenty big.

I kept pulling on the boxers, down, down, down.

And his cock kept going, and going, and going.

Oh my God.