
Iwas naked and in bed when I got the call from Lou.


Motherfucker had no sense of work-life balance.

“Late as this call is, it better concern a lot of fuckin’ money, Lou,” I said, putting one of the headphone earbuds in my ear.

“It does. I just sealed the deal with Rodrigo and the Santa Muertes, and I need you and the Bastards as backup tomorrow night in Richards. Can you do that?”

“What the hell happened to Hector and Loco?”

“Let’s just say there was a changing of the guard.”

“I’ll bet. What about my slice of Southern California?”

“Rodrigo hasn’t cleared it with the cartel yet, but he doesn’t think it’ll be a problem.”

My ASS it wouldn’t be a problem.

“Tell him I need assurances, Lou, or I’m backin’ the other horse, you hear me?”

“I’ll get you what you need, darlin’. But don’t go saying things like that to the Santa Muertes, you hear?”

“I’ll say whatever I goddamn want, when I goddamn want, to whoever the fuck I want. Where’s this party goin’ down, anyway?”


“DUH, I figured that. Where in Richards?”

“Remember when you didn’t want to tell me where you were gonna spend the night? I think I’m gonna do the same on this one.”

I sighed. “Fine, just as long as I get a location sooner or later. I can’t show up to a party when I don’t know the address.”

“You’ll get it. Just have the Bastards in Richards by tomorrow at 10:30 PM, ready to rumble.”

“What about that police chief of yours?”

“What about him?”

“He gonna be in on this?”

“Fuck no. That greedy little bitch will want ten TIMES his normal stake if he knows how much money is on the table.”

“Well, you’re gonna have to cut him in at some point, aren’t ya?”

“When I’m good and ready. And I’ll fudge the decimal point a couple of places before I tell him how much is at stake.” Lou’s voice became suspicious. “Why the fuck do you care so much about Dan Peters, anyway?”

“Cuz I thought your cozy little arrangement with law enforcement was part of the deal, dumbass. I ain’t lookin’ to tussle with a bunch of pissed-off cops.”

“You won’t.”

“And what’s my guarantee of that?”

“Ah, I’ll have him do something on the other side of town. I’ll tell him the meet’s goin’ down in the desert, then never show up. He’ll be fine as long as I throw him five grand for his time.”