I could feel myself growing glum. “What do you think our chances are? Realistically.”

He stared out at the sky glowing pink and orange. “Well… if everything breaks our way… pretty good.”

“That’s like saying ‘If I roll two ones, I have a good chance of getting snake eyes.’”

Jack laughed. “I suppose you’re right. But with Sloane on our side, I figure we’re playing with loaded dice.”

“Are we sure they’re loaded in our favor?” I asked, skeptical.

He shrugged. “I always trust Sloane to do what’s best for Sloane. If she got a better deal from Lou, I’m pretty sure she’d come back to renegotiate terms… so for now, I’d say yeah, they’re loaded in our favor.”

“She’s a very… attractive woman,” I said as neutrally as I could.

“She’s also a bitch and a half when she wants to be.”

“And I’m not?”

“Any time you were a bitch and a half to me, you had good reason for it.”

“Sloane didn’t?”

“Not unless you think wanting to keep selling drugs is a good reason.”

“So… you two are done?”


“Done done?” I asked dubiously.

“To a fuckin’ crisp.” He looked at me, trying to suppress a smile. “Why?”

“Just asking.” I looked at him from out of the corner of my eye. “Why are you asking?”

“Well, I was hoping you and I still have a long stretch of road to travel together. But I wasn’t sure what you wanted.”

My heart fluttered to hear him say it – but I tried to play it cool. “I’d like that.”

His ‘barely a smile’ turned into a full-fledged grin. “Good.”


Idon’t know whose idea it was – I was a little buzzed by that point – but after dinner we ended up walking along the road among the cottages.

“I wanted to ask you something,” I said.

“Okay…” Jack said warily.

“It’s about Benjy and Ali. I just don’t see how that could have happened… he seemed like such a nice guy. Mentally slow, yeah, but he didn’t seem like he had a mean bone in his body.”

Jack was silent.

“Did you ever suspect he might have done it?” I asked.

“Yeah, I did, for about two seconds,” he admitted. “But Lou convinced me otherwise at the time. And I’ve spent the last few hours kicking myself for listening to him.”

I looked at him in surprise. “Why did you think it could have been him?”

“When a woman gets killed, the prime suspect is usually the boyfriend or husband.”