I went up to Charlie, the Rider who ran the Roadhouse. “Clear out for a while, Charlie. The whole staff, too. I need the place for a while.”

He didn’t put up a fuss. In two minutes, we had the bar to ourselves.

“Where’s my phone, man?” Eddie asked Eyeball heatedly.

“I don’t know, dude – it’s gotta be here somewhere. We’ll find it,” Eyeball reassured him.

“This is bullshit – give me my fuckin’ phone, Eyeball!” Eddie ranted.

“Eddie – knock it off and get over here, we got shit to discuss,” I snapped.

He grudgingly left Eyeball and sauntered on over.

Meanwhile, Eyeball slipped behind the bar where Charlie kept a baseball bat and a sawed-off shotgun for security.

We wouldn’t need the shotgun for my purposes.

“Alright, men… we’ve got a problem,” I said.

“With the Santa Muertes?” Eddie asked, leading us away from the real problem, slick as you please.

“No. That was all a ruse earlier. The Santa Muertes aren’t our real problem – it’s another gang.”

Everybody tensed slightly.

“Now,” I said.

Chuck and Cowboy each grabbed one of Eddie’s arms, and Wild Bill put a knife to his throat.

“Uh unh unhhh,” I said to Wild Bill. “Don’t end the party ‘fore it’s started.”

Eddie’s face was wild with fear. “What the fuck, Lou?!”

“Spread him out facedown,” I ordered, and the boys slammed him down on the nearest table. Then they patted him down and took a Glock and two knives off him.

“Lou – I don’t know what you think I did, but I swear to God – ”

“Shut the fuck up, Eddie, or Charlie’ll be cleaning your brains off the wall when he gets back.”

Eddie shut up.

Eyeball was walking back with the baseball bat. He held it out like, You want this?

“Not yet,” I said. I reached in my jacket and pulled out the phone and the notebook I’d got from his house.

As soon as Eddie saw it, he knew the jig was up. He started struggling and almost broke away – that is, until Wild Bill grabbed his hair and slammed him face-down onto the table.

He knew what was coming next, and he balled his fists tightly together.

“Gimme his finger,” I said.

“On his hand or off?” Cowboy said, and the others laughed.

Neither Eddie or I did, though.

“You heard the man,” I told him. “You wanna do this the easy way, or the hard way?”

“Lou – Lou, this is a mistake, I swear to God – ”