No unheard messages, though.

Which meant Eddie had listened to them all.

Mother FUCKER.

I didn’t exactly have enough evidence to hold up in court… but I had enough for me.

And I was planning on getting a full confession.


Iwas just starting off for the Roadhouse when Eyeball texted me.

Everybody’s here, Lou – where are you?

Stall them, I texted back. And confiscate everybody’s phones.

Confiscate them?

It’s a big fucking word that means TAKE them.

After a few seconds, I sent another text:

Especially Eddie’s – make it disappear – but DO NOT TIP HIM OFF.

I couldn’t take the chance that Eddie might get a text from his handlers about the phone calls I’d made from his house. It might give him a chance to figure things out and bolt.

I got there at 3:20. Eddie was over in the corner, acting all slick as shit, like he wasn’t a goddamn fucking traitor.

I glanced over at him – not quite ignoring him, but not really acknowledging him, either.

The men were restless. They wanted to know what the hell was going on.

I had to give them something – so I gave them a lie.

“Seems I was a little hasty last night, gentlemen,” I said. “Jack’s little whore was a mole, but she wasn’t working for who I thought. It’s not the Feds we need to watch out for – it’s the Santa Muertes.”

There was a grumbling in the crowd.

“I’ve got some intel I can’t share at the moment, but I want you to keep your fuckin’ eyes open. They’re gunning for us. They want our territory. They want to take us down. But fuck them. We’re going to take them down. Now, I don’t want you to do anything without my say-so – no fights, no shit-talking, no nothin’. You do not engage. You hang back until I give the word. Do you hear me?”

The club muttered their agreement.


“YES!” they roared back.

“Alright, then, dismissed. I want to see Cowboy, Wild Bill, Eyeball, Eddie, and Chuck to discuss our next move. If that’s not you, then clear the fuck out.”

Everybody was just a little bit stunned. Why the fuck did we get called out in the middle of the day for THIS? But nobody did more than grumble a little – they just filed out and picked up their phones from the big plastic bin at the front of the door.

While everybody was grabbing their phones, I texted Eyeball. ‘LOSE’ Eddie’s phone. And get Charlie’s baseball bat when you’re through.

I saw him read the text. He looked up and nodded at me subtly.

Next I texted Cowboy, Wild Bill, and Chuck. Don’t react to this text, but get ready to grab Eddie when I tell you.

They all read the messages, then put the phones back in their pockets without saying a word.