That wasn’t good.

If that Abrams PI asshole had popped him, there was no telling where he was now.

I didn’t have a ton of other options, so I went with my old standby: Dan Peters.

“I gotta find my guy, Dan,” I said once I was sitting in his office.

“It’s been a busy month for you and the Riders, hasn’t it?” Dan asked. “Attempted murder at the strip club… a self-defense shooting, and another suspect missing… then we had to pick up Kade and that Fiona girl for you…”

I sighed. “How much?”

“I’m thinkin’… twenty-five. That’s for everything.”

I smiled tightly. “Another kid goin’ to college, Dan?”

“Kids are expensive, Lou.”

“I’ll bet they are. So are boats and lakefront properties.”

He laughed. “So you heard about that, huh?”

“I did.”

“Well, a man in my position has to blow off steam somehow, Lou. All that stress on the job.”

Yeah, covering up murders and shilling for biker gangs was stressful, I’ll bet.

We haggled a bit and settled on eighteen grand. I wasn’t happy about it, but now that Jack was out of the picture, I could ramp up the meth operation. Money would be flowing like water soon enough.

Dan got one of his techies to run a triangulation something or other on Roach’s phone. Nothing came back.

“What does that mean?” I asked angrily.

“Most likely, the phone’s off.”

“I thought you guys could track that shit even when it’s off.”

“Maybe somebody took the battery out.”

Goddamn it.

“Can you keep looking for it 24/7?” I asked. “In case they turn it back on?”

“That’s expensive, Lou,” Dan said. “Resource intensive, you know…”

I rolled my eyes. “Twenty grand instead of eighteen.”

Dan smiled. “…but I think we can do it.”


Ifigured if somebody had Roach’s phone, it might make it more interesting for them if they had a message to check – so I left one.

“Yo, Roach, where are you? The shipment is ready to go, and we need the money NOW. Get off your fuckin’ ass and call me.”

There was no shipment – well, not that Roach was involved in, anyway. And he didn’t have any money, either. But I figured it might be some nice bait.

Sure enough, Dan Peters called me three hours later. “Whoever has the phone turned it on for a couple of minutes, and we were able to get a location.”