I caught a brief glimpse of a straight line of smoke spewing from the rocket launcher’s mouth –

Then the barn exploded.

You know when you’re watching fireworks on the 4th of July, and you can feel the air thump against your skin as they go off?

It was like that, but about fifty times worse.

We all staggered back as the shockwave slammed into us.

Lou and his cronies threw up their arms to shield themselves from the blast as burning bits of wood rained down from the sky.

“GET DOWN!” the Hazmat suit guy screamed as he flung himself to the ground.

I barely had time to register a single thought:

It already exploded, so why’s he screaming ‘get down’?

A split-second later I found out why.

The second explosion must have been chemicals inside the meth lab. The blast was even bigger than the first. It knocked me and Jack clean off our feet.

A gigantic fireball shot up a hundred feet into the air over the flaming ruins of the barn.

“YOU STUPID MOTHERFUCKER!” Lou screamed at Jack. He must have been shouting extremely loud, because I could still make out his words over the ringing in my ears. “KILL THEM!”

The bikers crouched down behind their Harleys.

Gunshots filled the air.

Bam bam bam bam bam bam bam!

Bullets hit our truck like ball peen hammers on metal.

Ding ding ding ding ding!

The tire nearest me blew out.

Shattered glass from the passenger door’s window sprayed all over my hair.

Bullets flew past like angry bees and kicked up dust from the ground.

Kade had escaped the explosion relatively unscathed on the other side of the pickup. He was the first of our group to open fire with his automatic rifle.


Hazmat Suit Guy started crawling through the dust towards the bikers as bullets whizzed over his head.


I thought about shooting the meth guy in the leg or something, but I didn’t care about him. I only cared about getting out alive.

I stood up and returned fire through the shattered window of the truck’s open passenger door. BAM BAM BAM BAM!

Lou and his four thugs hunched over behind their bikes as they fired back at us.

Benjy lay on the ground covering his head with his arms.

Jack crouched at my feet fumbling with the next rocket, trying to load it in the launcher. “We could use a little more help, old man!” he yelled.