Benjy might have pulled the trigger, but Lou had put the gun in his hand and whispered in his ear. I would have bet my life on it.

“You fucking son of a bitch,” Jack murmured.

I could see by his expression that he’d come to the same conclusion.

“The kid’s fucked in the head,” Lou shouted. “He doesn’t know what he’s talking about.”

“I think he does,” Jack yelled.

“Look, this can be a win-win for both of us. Fiona, you can bring your cousin’s killer to justice.”

“So you’re going to turn yourself in?” I yelled.

Lou ignored me. “Jack, you can get a quarter million or more to start over someplace new. All I ask is that you give me my guy, leave my set-up here in peace, and then just… walk away. Look – I’m gonna prove it.”

Lou held out his hands to his side so that his gun was no longer aimed at us.

Simultaneously, the other four bikers behind Lou lowered their pistols to point at the ground.

Lou smiled. “I’m negotiating in good faith here.”

I hesitated.

No matter what he said, I was convinced Lou was behind Ali’s death.

But he’d lowered his guard. Why was he doing this if he wasn’t sincere?

Unless –

“Guys?” Sid said into my earpiece. “Don’t freak out.”

A single gunshot rang out.


Someone screamed over to our left, far away from the other bikers.

Kade, Jack, and I all swung over to look at the side of the main house, where a body toppled over lifeless onto the ground.

In his hands was a long-range rifle with a scope attached.

Lou had been distracting us.

The whole thing was a ploy so someone could sneak up and kill us from behind.

“Negotiating in good faith, my ass,” Sid muttered.

“Wait – hold on, this isn’t what it looks like!” Lou yelled.

Jack got a look on his face like You motherfucker, then turned to the right, aimed the rocket launcher at the barn –

“NOOO!” Lou screamed.

– and pulled the trigger.


Ifelt the blast of heat from the back end of the rocket launcher, just six feet off to my right. An earsplitting BLAM! nearly deafened me.