“Somebody needs to tell Benjy, too,” Jack said.


“Maybe it shouldn’t be you, seein’ as how you threw him against the wall when you broke into the Ridgeway that one time,” I suggested.

“…yeah,” Jack said, then got a strange look on his face. “What about Benjy?”

“What about him?” I asked. I kept my outward appearance calm, but my heart sped up a little.

“You said he came to you for advice, that he thought she was cheating on him… do you think he could have done it?”

I chuckled. “Are you fuckin’ with me?”

“He’s strung out on coke – he thought she was going behind his back – and if he got it into his head that he was helping out the club – ”

“Jack – Jesus, listen to yourself. You know as well as I do that he was so far gone on that chick it was fuckin’ embarrassing. He’s dumb as shit, but Benjy’s a good kid. You think he’s even capable of doing what we saw last night?”

Jack thought for a second, then the look of suspicion left his face entirely.

“…no. Never mind. You’re probably right about me not being the best one to tell him… you mind doing it?”

“Don’t worry about a thing,” I said soothingly. “I’ll handle that, too.”


After Jack left, I called up Dan Peters.

“Hey, Lou,” he said, all bright and perky. He could smell the money coming out of his phone.

“That girl you found last night – she at the morgue?”

“Yep. No need for an autopsy – cause of death is pretty clear,” he chuckled.

“Yeah, about that… I need to take a look at somethin’.”

There was a long pause.

“That’s highly irregular, Lou,” he said seriously.

As if anything about our ‘arrangement’ was ‘regular.’ Other than how I had to keep paying him off like clockwork.

“Yeah, well, I still need to check somethin’ out. Besides, we can talk about my next donation to the police charity ball while I’m there.”

He grumbled, then sighed. “I guess I can get you in.”

“How about in an hour?”

Another unhappy silence.

“Yeah, I guess.”

“You got a back way in?”


“Let’s just say it’s probably in both our interests for me not to be seen there.”

“Fine. Meet me out back, near that dumpster with the biohazard sign on it.”