It couldn’t have gone better, as far as I was concerned.


“Idid it, Lou,” he whispered as he stared off into the darkness. “I did it.”

“And I’m real proud of you, Benjy. You did good.”

“I don’t feel good, Lou,” he whined, and broke down in tears. “I feel real bad.”

“That’ll pass. Here, take another drink – ”

“I killed her, Lou! I killed her!” he wailed, then doubled over and started bawling like a baby again.

“Hey – HEY,” I said, shaking him roughly. “You did what had to be done. She was going to destroy the Midnight Riders. You saved the club.”

He hiccupped and rubbed his eyes. “What did she mean, Lou?”

“What do you mean, what’d she mean?”

“She said I was a traitor.”

“That’s ‘cause she was a lying bitch. She was the traitor, not you. She was going to destroy the club, not you.”

He looked at me dubiously. “How’d she know I told you stuff, Lou?”

“I don’t know, Benjy,” I lied. “Maybe she overheard me talkin’ to you. Maybe you talk in your sleep. I don’t know – we’ll never know. But it doesn’t matter, ‘cause you saved the club. You did the right thing.”

He looked up at me blearily. “Can I be in the Riders now?”

“Eventually. I’m going to get you in. But you can’t ever tell anybody what you did, you understand? You can’t tell Jack, you can’t tell Kade, you can’t tell anybody, you understand?”

“Why not?” he whined.

“Because a cop might find out, just like Venus found out you and I talked. Or maybe somebody like Eyeball who doesn’t like you will go and tell the cops, and then they’ll put you in jail, and I don’t want that to happen. You understand?”

“But – ”

“You can never talk about this again, EVER. You understand?”

“…okay, Lou.” He sounded suicidally depressed.

“In fact, I think it’s best if we just pretend this never happened. You hear me? It DID NOT HAPPEN.”

“But – ”


“It didn’t happen,” he repeated.

“Say it again.”

“It didn’t happen.”

I made him say it ten more times before I was satisfied.


Before I drove his drunk ass home in my Charger, I had Benjy tell me where he’d left his bike. Then I went out and confirmed it. No fuckin’ way I wanted the getaway vehicle on my property and not be able to find it.