So instead he said, “Lou’s my friend,” in a pathetic, childish voice.

She had a goddamn meltdown at that. “Lou’s not your friend, you idiot! He’s a fucking psychopath! He’s using you! I can’t believe how goddamn stupid you are – ”

Of everything she’d said, it was that last part that got him. “I am NOT stupid!”

She was too enraged over his betrayal to reel it back in. “You ARE stupid!”

“Why are you being a bitch?!” he yelled back.

That’s when she hauled off and slapped him in the face.

He spun around, then looked back at her in shock, tears in his eyes.

“Because you’re stupid, and you’re a liar,” she screamed, “and you’re a fucking TRAITOR!”

Unfortunate choice of words on her part.

‘Traitor’ instantly brought to mind every single thing I’d said about her.

Suddenly, he wasn’t seeing Ali in front of him anymore.

He was seeing Venus – a screaming, demented harpy.

A cheater.

A liar.

A traitor.

All of his hurt and pain was suddenly replaced with hatred.

She didn’t see that, though – or she only felt contempt for whatever she saw. Instead, she turned around and started to stomp off.

The last thing Benjy heard her say was, “Fuck Lou – fuck Jack – fuck all of you assholes, I’m out of here!”

That was when he pulled out the gun and shot her in the back of the head.


He lashed out like a three-year-old – in blind fury, without a thought in his head other than I hate you.

As soon as he pulled the trigger, though, he was immediately horrified.

There was the BANG of the gunshot, and she went down face-first on the pavement with a sickening thud.

I’m sure he stared down at her body, not wanting to believe he had just done it, hoping it was all just a dream.

“Ali?” he whimpered.

Then he saw the pool of blood seeping out from under her head, shiny and black in the moonlight.

“Nooo – no, no, no, no – no no no no – ” he whispered, then whimpered, then screeched. He started running down the alleyway, back towards his ride.

He was long gone before the first barflies came to gawk.

So was she.

Hell, she was probably dead by the time she hit the ground.