Jack sighed over the phone. “Fine. See you at the Roadhouse at 11:45.”

I was waiting for them when Jack and Kade got there at 11:40. Early motherfuckers.

“Alright, let’s go,” Jack said as soon as he walked into the room.

I finished off the rest of my scotch and burped. “Gotta hit the head first.”

“Make it snappy.”

Fuck you, asshole.

Ten minutes later Jack banged on the locked door of the men’s bathroom. “What the fuck are you doing in there, Lou?”

“Takin’ a shit – give me a fuckin’ break!” I yelled back as I stood next to the toilet, just wasting time.


“I had some fuckin’ coffee an hour ago! Gets my shit movin’. Hey, at least I didn’t do it at your place.”

“Kade and I are leaving.”

“The fuck you are – give me two minutes. Jesus fuckin’ Christ.”

I walked out five minutes later, buckling my belt.

Jack stared daggers at me. Kade looked slightly more pissed off than usual.

“What was all that shit you gave her earlier about showing up on time?” Jack snapped.

“She’s supposed to be on time. I can show up whenever the fuck I want,” I said nonchalantly as we strolled out to our rides.


We left the Roadhouse at 11:57 and pulled up to the Ace of Clubs at ten after midnight. Plenty of time for the kid to have done his business and run.

If everything had gone smoothly.

As we neared the bar, a small crowd of people were at the mouth of the alleyway. Maybe five or six, just standing there looking on in agitation. Somebody was taking a picture with their cell phone. A woman had a hand over her mouth and looked like she was gonna be sick.

This could either be a very good sign, or a very bad one.

Jack parked his hog by the alleyway. “What the hell’s going on?” he shouted at the crowd when he turned off his engine.

A shabby-looking dude in his 50’s turned back to us and said in quiet awe, “Somebody got shot.”

Jack’s eyes bugged out of his head and he ran through the crowd, pushing his way past the lookie-loos. Kade and I took off after him, our boots clacking on the asphalt.

I heard Jack scream before I saw the body.


He ran over to her, but it was obvious she was already gone. Face down on the pavement in a pool of blood, with a tangle of matted red hair on the back of her head.

“Jesus,” Kade whispered, which was more emotion than I’d ever heard from him before.

“Shit,” I added, just for show – though I was positively gleeful inside.

“SOMEBODY CALL 911!” Jack screamed as he grabbed one limp arm and felt for a pulse.