“You’re very… observant,” I said, lingering on the last word.

He laughed. “I knew you liked my sense of humor.”

“Actually, I like mocking your sense of humor.”

“Laughing at, laughing with, laughing near… close enough for me.”

I smiled. “I’m getting off now.”

“Aha… enjoying the aural sex that much, are you?”

“I’m getting off the BUS now.”

“You took the bus to work?”

“Yeah, so?” I said as I stepped off onto the sidewalk.

“You should have called me. I would have given you a lift.”

“That’s sweet, but I can take care of myself.”

“So I’ve noticed. But maybe you should let other people take care of you once in awhile.”

“Not necessary.”

“Okay, maybe you should let other people do something nice for you once in awhile.”


“Like, say… give you aural sex.”

I got a little bit wetter.

Not that I was going to tell him that, either.

“Eh… I’ve heard better,” I said in a deadpan voice.

He burst out laughing. “Fiona, I think you might just be the woman of my dreams.”

Little did he know, he literally was the man of my dreams – last night, anyway.

I was going to keep that one to myself, too.

“I’m the woman of a lot of men’s dreams.”

“And so modest about it.”

“Just following your oh-so-modest lead.”

He chuckled. “Well, follow my lead and get ready for Round Two. I’ll see you at the club tonight at closing time.”

I sighed. “Jack – ”

