I looked up, and saw the perfect triggerman sitting in front of me.

Well… not perfect, that was sure. There were various drawbacks.

For one, he was too dimwitted by half. However, that did work to my benefit, in a twisted kind of way. If he folded under pressure and blamed me, I could just say something like, I told him I wanted to kill the bitch, not that he should go out and actually SHOOT her.

From a certain perspective, Benjy’s simplemindedness could even be viewed as a plus. Plausible deniability. Jack would never believe me if I said the kid misinterpreted my words, but most of the club would back me up.

Plus, he was a drug addict now. He was unstable. Unreliable. Untrustworthy. At least to most folks, anyway.

Second drawback: he was in love with her. That looked like a huge problem on the surface, until you remember that a shit-ton of murders are crimes of passion committed by jealous boyfriends and husbands. I figured once I got him wound up, he’d do just about anything.

Third problem, and the biggest of all: the kid was basically good. He had a good heart, even if his brain was second rate. It was the biggest reason why he wouldn’t do it, and the biggest reason why he’d confess after it was over.

Although… if he could be convinced that what he was doing was for the greater good…

“Benjy,” I said, making my voice as regretful and pain-filled as possible. “I got somethin’ I need to tell you.”


He looked back at me with those blank, stupid eyes. “What, Lou?”

I sighed. “This ain’t gonna be fun to hear, kid.”

His face twisted up with fear and confusion. “What is it?”

“While you were away, I started asking around, talking to some of the other dancers. It…”

I made a face like it was torture for me to go on.

“What’d they say?!” Benjy demanded, already angry, already riled up.

This was going to be easier than I thought.

“They said Venus’s been fucking other guys behind your back.”

Benjy’s face crumpled, and his eyes filled with tears. “No… no, that ain’t true…”

“I’m sorry, kid, but that’s what they said.”

“WHO? WHO SAID THAT?!” he yelled as he stood up.

“Calm down,” I snapped.

He collapsed back in the chair. “Who? Who said it, Lou?”

“Never you mind. I don’t want you goin’ near any of my dancers, you hear me?”

“They’re lyin’, Lou – they’re fuckin’ lyin’!”

“I don’t think they are. They didn’t want to tell me, and they felt real bad about it ‘cause they all like you, but… yeah, she’s been fuckin’ around on you ever since you two started up.”

“No,” he whimpered, tears running down his cheeks. “No…”

Time to twist the knife.

“She said she was just fucking you for the drugs. She said you were dumb as shit, and you never even knew she was cheatin’ on you.”

He started to bawl. “No, no, no…”