Jack dropped by just an hour after my last conversation with Benjy. He was pissed as hell. “Ali’s using again.”

“Yeah, I sort of noticed,” I said, innocent as you please.

“Why didn’t you tell me?”

“If you’ll recall, I wanted to ice the bitch. I’ve been hoping she’d do me a favor and OD.”

Jack fumed, but what could he say? He knew I’d wanted to whack her from the beginning.

“Who the fuck has been supplying her?”

“I don’t know. You sure she hasn’t been seeing her food stamp man?” I asked, even though I knew that wasn’t the case. Although she might’ve been talking to him.

Jack stood there, silent and angry.

“I’m going to get to the bottom of this,” he finally muttered, then walked out.

I sat there and thought about calling Benjy to warn him, then decided against it. He’d be more convincing to Jack if he was totally surprised.

I guess we were about to see if Venus was a narc or not.

And if she was, I guess we’d see how good Benjy was at keepin’ his fuckin’ mouth shut. And if he couldn’t…

Well, I might have to dispose of three bodies in the desert.


Turned out she liked the dimwit more than I thought.

Jack burst in on them in the motel room while they were snorting lines. First he threw Benjy across the room and started yelling at him, “What did you do? WHAT DID YOU DO?! Did you give her this shit?!”

Benjy crouched in the corner like a whipped dog, arms over his head.

Venus started screaming at Jack, “Leave him alone! It was me – I was the one who gave it to him!”

That shut Pollari up real quick.

He asked how she got it. She was sullen and quiet until he started shouting at her.

“I know a guy, okay? Fuck off,” she yelled.

“Fuck this,” he muttered. He told her to pack a bag – he was getting her out of there.

“Where’re we going?” she asked angrily.

“To my place.”

Which was like throwing Br’er Rabbit in the briar patch, if you ask me.

She packed and got ready without putting up too much of a fuss.

She did give Benjy a kiss and told him not to worry, that she’d see him soon. Then she rode out of the parking lot on the back of Pollari’s hog. I’m sure her arms were all over him.

Benjy was heartbroken.

Oh well. At least he got his dick wet, and a lot more’n once.

As for me, I didn’t have her phone, I didn’t have any actionable intelligence on the DEA, and I was out six grand on coke.