“Well, I’m worried about her now. If it makes you feel better, just cross your fingers when you tell her where you got it. Okay?”

“Okay,” he said, relieved. “Even if I pinky swear?”

“Even if you pinky swear.”

Jesus Christ. Here I was talking to a halfwit about pinky swears and crossing fingers.

The things I had to do these days to keep the MC out of jail.

“Anyway, you go ahead and take those… go on.”

He reluctantly took the two bags and put them in his jacket.

“Good boy.” I smiled. “Let me know when she needs more medicine. I’ll get her whatever she needs.”

I’d get that bitch whatever she wanted, as long as I found out the truth about the DEA. It was annoying to have to go to these lengths, yeah… but that was business in the age of Jack Pollari.

Fuck it. It wouldn’t be too long before I’d put her in the ground.


Venus eventually went ahead with the plan, although she put up a little resistance at first.

“She actually asked if she could stay with me,” Jack told me later. “Several times.”

“Perfect opportunity to fuck her,” I taunted him. “Nobody would blame you.”

“Lou,” Jack warned.

“Alright, alright.”

“The important thing is she promised me she’s going to stay off drugs.”


We’d see how that went once she got offered some ‘medicine.’

Venus holed up at the Ridgeway with Benjy in the next room. Apparently she never disabused him of the notion that a psycho ex-boyfriend was after her, because he kept prattling on about how he was going to kick the guy’s ass every time he talked to me.

While they were at the motel, they ate Chinese delivery together. They watched crappy TV together. They played ‘Go Fish’ and ‘Old Maid’ together – mostly because those were the two card games Benjy could remember how to play.

Mostly they were drunk, which helps pass the time. I made sure to keep Benjy stocked up on Jack Daniels and wine.

In fact, the only time she got away from Benjy was when she was up on stage dancing. He escorted her to work every evening and took her home every night.

She went out of her way to avoid me, though. Every time I saw her look in my direction, I could see the fear in her eyes.

Goddamn straight, you little whore. Just wait till I’m finished with you.

As far as Benjy was concerned, though, suddenly the tables were turned. I was the one who was bugging him every night for news. Did she take the medicine yet? What’s going on? Have you heard her on the phone with her boyfriend?

The little fucker actually started getting annoyed with me. No, Lou, she hasn’t called anybody. No, Lou, she didn’t want the medicine. She got mad at me for stealin’ it from Jasmine, too, even though I didn’t really.

I was shocked at first – about the cocaine, anyway. Passing up blow? Maybe she really was trying to keep her promise to Jack.

But like New Year’s Resolutions, hers didn’t stick too long.